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Tip Size

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  • Tip Size

    How much difference does it make? And what difference does it actually make?

    My understanding is with a larger tip say 10-11mm your going to get more consistent centre ball striking?
    And with a smaller tip 9mm and below more reaction on the white but also a greater throw off if not hitting accurately.

    What tip size do you use and what are your experiences of changing that size if ever.
    The reason I'm asking is I'm thinking of a new cue and I want to be sure I get the right spec.



  • #2
    What tip size do you use at the moment ?

    I changed my cue [ not for the 1st time ] from a 9.6mm to 9.1mm . What a difference . Really struggled with the smaller tip on long pots especially . Now using a 9.5mm and getting more consistent .
    Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


    • #3
      Hi, for snooker I prefer a 9.5mm tip myself I can get more than enough spin with that! funny a couple of months back I bought an old Burwat Champion which I now use for 9-ball it has a 11mm tip! I was surprised at how much spin I could get on the snooker table with such a big tip! guess it could more down to cueing, timing of the cue ball more than tip size. but a bigger tip does help with long potting less chance of any unwanted side.


      • #4
        I used to play 8ball pool using a 7.5mm tip. I started playing snooker again and noticed that 7.5mm was a bit on the small side, certain shots could'nt be consistant due to amount of side generated. I later changed to a 9.5mm and it made a great difference, I play pool with it aswell. It just took a little time to get used to new size tip.


        • #5
          I normally play with 9.5 to 9.8, anything bigger and i seem to miss more than i hit. Ive a 10.5mm maple mannock and i seem to end up hitting balls fuill in the face a lot like ive forgotton to try and hit the object ball at a certain point. Slightly odd as i take my time on the shots and that happens quite a bit.

