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How to repair dents?

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  • How to repair dents?

    Hi all.

    My cue has a few minor dent in the shaft and butt. They are quite sharp edged dents so I don't think the glass rubbing method will work. They're kind of little ridgy dents from accidental bumps on the pool table. I'm pretty sure they need filling with something.

    On an old cue I have used superglue to fill dents in the shaft with good results. But how do I go about filling dents in the ebony butt? I want something that's going to be completely invisible once sanded and re-finished.

    Can anyone tell me what they have done to successfully achieve this?


  • #2
    if deep enuf same using super glue and ebony dust,might be worth while making the dint deeper some times


    • #3
      I have used a wet thin rag and a soldering iron before and it worked a treat, wet the dent first then cover with wet rag and gently rub over rag with iron and the steam will take it out.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by jim evans View Post
        if deep enuf same using super glue and ebony dust,might be worth while making the dint deeper some times
        Hi Jim.

        Are you talking about mixing the dust with the glue then applying, or putting the glue on the rubbing in the dust? Not sure how to go about it.



        • #5
          Originally Posted by StuyFD3 View Post
          I have used a wet thin rag and a soldering iron before and it worked a treat, wet the dent first then cover with wet rag and gently rub over rag with iron and the steam will take it out.

          Not sure I have the bottle for that but I have heard of the process. Does it affect the finnish in any way, any sanding required after?


          • #6
            Originally Posted by safe t boy View Post
            Hi Jim.

            Are you talking about mixing the dust with the glue then applying, or putting the glue on the rubbing in the dust? Not sure how to go about it.

            most depends on the setting time of glue if you have time say 45 -50 seconds you can mix bits and press into dint, sometimes it might be a pin hole that way i put glue into hole sprinkle dust on and rub in or use the dust ime sanding on new stuff


            • #7

              With regards to the steaming process, if the dent is fairly deep and the wood has cracked then once you have steamed it out the splits will be proud, so let it settle for a day then take very fine grit paper to the shaft (do the whole shaft in one direction ie downwards) then clean with wet rag leave again for 24hours as this will raise the grain of the wood, then finish will some lineed oil and buff.
              Heres a link to a guy who uses same steam method to steam dents out of a guitar:


              • #8
                Put a damp cotton wool bud on the dents on the shaft and tape it on with masking tape, leave it over night to allow the wood to swell the rub down lightly if bump is then too proud. A friend of mine left his wooldridge cue behind a chair somebody sat on the chair and put a right dint in it, so he put the cotton wool on it over night now cue looks as good as new and you cannot tell where the dint was. Hope this method works as its easy to do with no messing.

