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Cue Contest

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  • #61
    Presumably he is covering postage costs as well as repair costs, I'd expect a small partial refund too as when you pay for a cue you pay for their time as well as skill and your time is not free either, if you have to waste an hour or two getting it there and back again, your time is money also.


    • #62
      Taking a drive over to Glovers this afternoon. I have decided I am going to demand a refund.

      I will see how my request is dealt with and let you know

      Is there anyone I could e mail the photos I have so that they could put them up?

      my photobucket account or the uploader here are not working.


      • #63
        here are pottr's photos

        Last edited by DeanH; 14 February 2013, 10:20 AM.
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • #64
          Surely that is not of satisfactory quality and I should expect a full refund.

          £445 - 5 month wait for a custom cue and that is what I received. I never even took pictures of the marks in the shaft.


          • #65
            I wouldn't accept that cue.


            • #66
              Nor am I. Unfortunately I wasn't in the position to give it the once over in the shop as I had to race back to get my kids from school.

              I would have been if Tony had been in his shop, but it seems he is always 'at lunch' whenever I arrange to go over there.

              I called him the very next morning with my findings and he said he would sort it out.
              I now don't want to take any more time out of my schedule for the cue he's created for me. A cue that needs to be repaired immediately is not what I ordered.

              Glover cues is a definite loser in my cue contest.


              • #67
                Looks like a splice has become unglued as most of that is a perfectly straight line.


                • #68
                  Very unusual for a Glover cue . They always appear very good . Just an error .....we all make mistakes . Don't know why he did not notice it when you picked it up though .
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • #69
                    I noticed it the second I looked at it at home and called him the next morning.

                    Arranged to meet him at 14:30 last week. Arrived on time and he was not there. Had to wait thirty minutes for him to turn up.

                    I literally picked the cue up, handed over the coin, put the cue in my case and raced back down the A444 to get to the school to pick up the kids!
                    Last edited by pottr; 4 September 2013, 02:51 PM.


                    • #70
                      Yeah looks like a splice problem that's all, i think i would be more concerned with the lack of finish on the butt ???


                      • #71
                        thats in a poor state for a new custom cue, look forward to hearing how you get on with a refund and the reason for it leaving the shop like that.

                        have you placed all your orders now? how long is the next wait and who from?


                        • #72
                          Very poor workmanship, spesh for the price, my trev was alot cheapeer for sim design and better ebony etc...

                          That's why i stick with trev...

                          Feel for you pottr, not good man...


                          • #73
                            Well, after a little debate I came away from the shop with promise of a full refund by cheque to be in the post this morning.

                            I am happy with the resolution.

                            Tony claimed that the problem this cue has encountered is that he simply has not been able to afford to keep the heating on in his workshop overnight so the wood has split from being switched into my warm home. He said it's happened in the past but not for a very long time.

                            It was not a problem with glued splices.

                            He did say he could rectify the problem in half an hour but I didn't have the most pleasant journey there so I just demanded my refund. Bumper to bumper traffic.

                            Bottom line, if it only took minutes to solve then surely it would have taken less time for him to give it a proper once over before handing it too me.

                            have you placed all your orders now? how long is the next wait and who from?
                            I have orders in the queue with Dave Coutts, John Parris, Robin Cook, Trevor White and The Cuefather Mike Wooldridge.

                            I could not tell you who will be next but likely Mike's. Full payment upfront means he has a faster leadtime than the others I reckon.

                            Robin Cook will be last as he told me of a 14 month wait at the time of order. I believe he has stopped taking custom orders all together?
                            No te


                            • #74
                              If your Parris is an Ultimate I reckon it will be last. Actual waiting times are running at 18+ months at the moment.


                              • #75
                                It is an ultimate. One piece too so I guess that would add to the 12 months usual?

                                Gets here when it gets here I suppose.

                                For what it's worth, very happy with my MAC cue. The other cues will have to feel right immediately to get their fair chance.

