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How To Clean Ferrule?

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  • How To Clean Ferrule?

    Hi all,

    May I know how do you guys clean your ferrule? I believe the current dirt on my ferrule are the left overs from superglue. I used Q Wiz to polish it up but apparently the Q Wiz gets blackish, but the stains remains. Its a little unsightly to me.

    Please help.

    Last edited by x3dnd3x; 18 September 2012, 08:50 PM.

  • #2
    i use 0000 wire wool or cut strips of wet and dry 200 grit however big the ferrul is ie 10mm wide and run it through


    • #3
      Originally Posted by jim evans View Post
      i use 0000 wire wool or cut strips of wet and dry 200 grit however big the ferrul is ie 10mm wide and run it through
      200grit is okay? Isn't it a little too rough? I believe I still have some 0000 wire wool somewhere.


      • #4
        no it just takes rough off old tips that have gone black with age then move up grit grades 400 and so on but wire wool does just as gd


        • #5
          Originally Posted by jim evans View Post
          no it just takes rough off old tips that have gone black with age then move up grit grades 400 and so on but wire wool does just as gd
          Both of this method would definitely leave scratches on the ferrule right?


          • #6
            0000 ww makes the ferrule like new.


            • #7
              not at finish no


              • #8
                Originally Posted by poona View Post
                0000 ww makes the ferrule like new.
                Alright. I'll give the 0000 wire wool a try. For a start, I don't even know whether mine's 0000 grade. Haha.


                • #9
                  How To Clean Ferrule?

                  Fine wire wool. Simples! Wilkinsons has various grades


                  • #10
                    scrape the excess glue off with a knife, then go straight to 0000 grade wire wool. i wouldnt sand the ferrule, just scrape it off carefully with a knife. this goes for glue on the shaft aswell. try and use superglue gel next time. it wont run like the liquid glue stuff.


                    • #11
                      If no glue residue on ferrule I use maguirres car wax to polish the ferrule. No damage to the ferrule like with sandpapers and wire wool and the most brilliant shine ever


                      • #12
                        Use this.....


                        From polishing ferrule, burnish tips, smoothing the shaft a bit.....does it all

                        Make sure you get the micro fine one....


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by BoBnoGG!n View Post
                          scrape the excess glue off with a knife, then go straight to 0000 grade wire wool. i wouldnt sand the ferrule, just scrape it off carefully with a knife. this goes for glue on the shaft aswell. try and use superglue gel next time. it wont run like the liquid glue stuff.
                          I'm unable to use scrape it off. I'm not sure whether its superglue or what, but its not those that I can scrape off with a blade. I'm using gel actually but not the the brand that ADR advises as there's none selling in my country and shipping over from UK is quite expensive. The shipping itself cost more than the superglue gel.

                          I'll go get some wire wool later. Seems to me the current one I have doesn't seem like 0000 fine grade.


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by sanman View Post
                            If no glue residue on ferrule I use maguirres car wax to polish the ferrule. No damage to the ferrule like with sandpapers and wire wool and the most brilliant shine ever
                            Ohh okay. I do have that wax in my father's car. Once I got rid of the stain, might try car wax.


                            • #15
                              Another tool you can use is the nail buffer shaped like an icecream stick. Very handy and is easily stored and carried around in your cue case.
                              John Lim

                              Targets to beat: -line up 63, 78 (Nov 2012)- -practice match 67 (Nov 2012)- -competition 33 (Oct 2011)-

