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Is it just me....

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  • Is it just me....

    Or does anybody else get as frustrated as i do when i read ebay listings?

  • #2
    Witch bit don't you like


    • #3
      my wifes just said the same about some other listings cant people spell anymore she said


      • #4
        I must be getting old but it drives me nuts


        • #5
          Trust me, I've seen worse. It doesn't take 10 seconds to lookup a word if you're unsure on a spelling. Pure laziness.
          "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by willtyson View Post
            ... It doesn't take 10 seconds to lookup a word if you're unsure on a spelling....
            Lol Will, if it "doesn't take 10 seconds", how long does it take then ???


            • #7
              I'm sure it could be done in 9
              "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


              • #8
                Is it just me....

                My biggest gripe is slang texting......I just don't get it, I normally just reply back asking for the text in English!!!! I know it winds my wife up but it's good fun anyway. Ha ha
                You may defeat me but I will fight you to the very end!!!!


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by willtyson View Post
                  Trust me, I've seen worse. It doesn't take 10 seconds to lookup a word if you're unsure on a spelling. Pure laziness.
                  Looks to be a lack of education to me. Shouldn't need to look up 'which' or 'half' and he hasn't bothered to use any capitals.

                  We can all make silly errors but there is a big problem with kids writing skills nowadays.
                  I would ban mobile phones until you reach 16 years old, might help with spelling and punctuation.


                  • #10
                    I wouldn't buy anything from someone who can't spell basic words. If they are that thick the item would probably not arrive at the correct address


                    • #11
                      hee-hee ... although I can't say the postings on this forum are generally much better (this thread excluded) ... I blame predictive typing and hope one day Google or someone will invent an app that translates "modern" typing into properly spelled English ...

                      it wood sertanly make a old dynosaw muck happyer


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by DandyA View Post
                        hee-hee ... although I can't say the postings on this forum are generally much better (this thread excluded) ... I blame predictive typing and hope one day Google or someone will invent an app that translates "modern" typing into properly spelled English ...

                        it wood sertanly make a old dynosaw muck happyer
                        Another reason to use Google Chrome; it has a built in spell check!
                        "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by gem View Post
                          We can all make silly errors but there is a big problem with kids writing skills nowadays. I would ban mobile phones until you reach 16 years old, might help with spelling and punctuation.
                          I don't think all kids spelling and punctuation's too bad; just most of them are too lazy to bother to type in full sentences. I don't think banning mobile phones would improve it by much.
                          "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


                          • #14
                            I think it's great - it's the closest most of us in the UK will ever get to being able to speak 2 languages!!


                            • #15
                              I think some people are too thick themselves to realise that there isn’t always a correlation between the inability to spell and punctuate and intelligence. Some people are very mathematically minded some people are very literacy orientated. I myself have a first class degree in economics from a top university but I too can’t spell to save my life. It’s not laziness, its an inherent inability.
                              I would never call someone lazy who couldn’t tell me the square route of say 1296 within 5 seconds. But the reality is the two things are no different, I have two children the one could spell as soon as he could write but his maths whilst being good is slower than his brothers who is 2 years younger who funnily enough struggles with spelling.
                              As maths is rarely written in everyday life those who are mathematically poor won’t be found out, but those who can’t spell are clear to see.
                              I’m not trying to say that spelling and grammar isn’t important, everyone should try their best, but it is very ignorant to jump on someone who has an obvious weakness when you don’t have all the facts.

