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Is it just me....

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by gamekeeper1212 View Post
    I think some people are too thick themselves to realise that there isn’t always a correlation between the inability to spell and punctuate and intelligence. Some people are very mathematically minded some people are very literacy orientated. I myself have a first class degree in economics from a top university but I too can’t spell to save my life. It’s not laziness, its an inherent inability.
    I would never call someone lazy who couldn’t tell me the square route of say 1296 within 5 seconds. But the reality is the two things are no different, I have two children the one could spell as soon as he could write but his maths whilst being good is slower than his brothers who is 2 years younger who funnily enough struggles with spelling.
    As maths is rarely written in everyday life those who are mathematically poor won’t be found out, but those who can’t spell are clear to see.
    I’m not trying to say that spelling and grammar isn’t important, everyone should try their best, but it is very ignorant to jump on someone who has an obvious weakness when you don’t have all the facts.
    I agree that it isn't easy to say what intelligence actually is. You can be a brilliant academic yet your life skills could be hopeless.
    Others could be thrown out in the wilderness and easily survive using creativity and intuition.

    You should always try to make anything written or typed the best you can. If you know that you are not the best speller then why not double check your work. The seller used no capitals and spelled simple words wrong, this is different to someone that struggles with spelling.

    You are correct to say we shouldn't jump on people before we know the facts but there does seem to be a downturn in peoples writing skills which can be seen often when looking through the ebay ads.


    • #17
      But is there a real downturn in peoples writing skills, 15 years ago there was no ebay, there were no online forums for people to write on . Is it just that through the internet many more of us are now communicating using the written word (typed). Ebay is the equivilent yesteryears small adds in papers and these would have been spoken out over the phone on placing and typed up by a very literate person as that would have been a qualification for thier job, it would then have been checked by a very educated publisher or editor. Now with the internet we are all self publisists and our own editors and some of us arnt very good at it.

      The publisher of the initial ebay advert that started this thread may well have used an older style spell checker which would not pick up the incorrect usage of words, many of his words were spelt correctly they were just the wrong words.


      • #18
        end of the day he is only trying to sell a cue not gain a degree in english


        • #19
          Like i said it frustrates me, not insinuating anything with my first post, but the fact is that in some cases it is just lazy, it's almost as though people cannot be bothered, and to be fair people who do have difficulty with spelling & grammar are generally more concerned about it than the rest of us, i know my wife is dyslexic and she constantly asks questions about spelling and grammar, for two reasons, one so she can get it right, and two because it helps her learn.


          • #20
            89 words, 8 commas and only 1 full stop?


            • #21
              At least the worms are spelk corictly


              • #22
                Burn the witch!


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by Maxsys View Post
                  At least the worms are spelk corictly
                  It is I not i, sentences usually end with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark and one does not usually put and after a comma.


                  • #24
                    I did not say I was perfect, I just said it annoys me. (and anyway, how do you know if that was intentional?)


                    • #25
                      How do ewe know if anybody is doing it intentionally?


                      • #26
                        I don't but it still annoys me

