At the minute im pretty happy with my cue, a first edition burwat champion, however the lack of extension socket is become very obvious the last lot of weeks, numerous times i needed an extension and had to resort to the hi tech fishing tackle of the 3/4 butt. Was considering a push on extension but theyre a pain to cart about since they won't fit in my case (and ive seen some cue butts get scratched up pretty bad when the velvet inside them peeled away exposing the butt to rough plastic).
I have 2 parris extensions (sd short butt and long telescoping) and was considering getting the joint put in the butt of my cue....but ive heard people say having this done can change the hit of the cue. Anyone any experience of this? Im not really fussed about it affecting resale value as i really clicked with this cue and don't see myself changing. Just worried about the possibility of it making the cue feel or hit slightly differently.
I have 2 parris extensions (sd short butt and long telescoping) and was considering getting the joint put in the butt of my cue....but ive heard people say having this done can change the hit of the cue. Anyone any experience of this? Im not really fussed about it affecting resale value as i really clicked with this cue and don't see myself changing. Just worried about the possibility of it making the cue feel or hit slightly differently.
