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Cue butt is sticky!

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  • Cue butt is sticky!

    I have just had one of my cues altered at Craftsman Cues where I've had 4 additional splices (burr) put in to make the butt a little thicker and they have done a lovely job.

    Only problem is that they have mentioned that the burr has been soaking in alot of the oil so I'm not sure if this is the cause of the stickiness.

    I have tried to buff off any excess oils to no avail and have tried using a damp cloth to try and remove the oils and again there is still that slight stickiness to the touch.

    I have also re-sealed it with Craftsman cue wax to see if that helps but again still the same!

    Any ideas or could it be just the characteristic of the burr wood?

  • #2
    I have used craftsman wax myself and find it feels sticky, sometimes can be overcome with a lengthy buffing, but if that doesn't cure it the only thing you can do is remove the old finish and give it an oil finish.
    No one is listening until you make a mistake!


    • #3
      Bought some craftsman wax but only ever used it on a cheap cue didn't feel nearly as nice as oil finish.
      sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


      • #4
        To be honest, I'm not sure if Craftsman actually used the wax as they did mention they were oiling it and it was me that tried it after trying my hardest to buff the sticky finish off.

        I have given it a second go at removing the wax/oils using a damp cloth rubbing vigourously and even tried some 2000 grit paper but the finish is still sticky... After using just a damp cloth I used a paper towel to dry it off and the paprt towel had to be peeled off so it's sticky enough to hold on to the paper towel!

        I'm not sure if the stickiness is coming from the wood itself.. perhaps some sap?

        Any ideas of what to try? Craftsman is an 2 hours return drive so would prefer to find a solution rather than going back but if need be I will perhaps get them to find a solution.


        • #5
          Unfortunately i think the only thing which let downs craftsman is their finish. They make some cracking cues.

          Their finish is different to anything else i have seen. Its feels like lacquer but its not.

          They dont just use raw linseed oil, they use a combination of different oils and possibly dont allow enough drying time. Im sure other threads on here.

          I would suggest stripping the finish off and oiling yourself with raw linseed oil.


          • #6
            Gotta agree with Jaffa, Craftsman do use a very strange finish, I too thought it was lacquer, its like a fine plastic film that does come off after a while.

            When I got my majestic model last year I was a bit disappointed with the finish because the previous Craftsman I had, about 8 years ago never had this finish. I eventually sold the cue as I couldn't get on with it, but largely the finish on the cue put me off.

            Strangely enough I bought a phoenix from them only 3 months ago and although it has a lacquer butt the finish of that doesn't bother me. I'm playing some great stuff with it though whether it will feel the same in the summer months remains to be seen.

            Just to say in response to the OP, if the burr is Thuya it does tend to soak up oil and does have a unique smell to it which is natural to the wood. I had a butt with this from Dave Coutts and the oil that kept coming out of it was just like how you described. Didn't matter how much I wiped it with a cloth it still kept seeping out. It will eventually dry out if that is the case but it might take a week or two, if not then I think the only answer will be to very finely sand it until the oil or finish disappears.
            Last edited by cueman; 8 January 2013, 10:26 PM.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by cueman View Post
              Just to say in response to the OP, if the burr is Thuya it does tend to soak up oil and does have a unique smell to it which is natural to the wood. I had a butt with this from Dave Coutts and the oil that kept coming out of it was just like how you described. Didn't matter how much I wiped it with a cloth it still kept seeping out. It will eventually dry out if that is the case but it might take a week or two, if not then I think the only answer will be to very finely sand it until the oil or finish disappears.
              Sounds similar... will give this a go over the next few days/weeks to see if it improves. Luckily it's not my playing cue so in no rush.



              • #8
                its just a case of too much oil/wax too quickly, adding more oil/wax will just make it worse. Keep buffing regularly for the next 2/3 weeks then if its still sticky, damp cloth then buff dry immediately. If problem still not resolved then very fine sandpaper 2000 grit is ok like you used before then keep buffing, eventually the sticky feel will disappear.


                • #9
                  Bad news for me who just ordered a pro ash.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Samling View Post
                    Bad news for me who just ordered a pro ash.
                    I wouldn't be too concerned.... as they do make quality cues.. As mentioned, I'm not sure if they just perhaps put too much oil on mine or perhaps re-oiled it before it dried? It could also be a characteristic of the Burr wood that they used on my cue?

                    PS Mine is not a Craftsman cue but one that has been altered by them.


                    • #11
                      Good news for me. I think so.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Samling View Post
                        Bad news for me who just ordered a pro ash.
                        When I had my last maple cue from them, I asked Dave to only use raw linseed oil.


                        • #13
                          I don't know if it's too late. I ordered 10 days ago. They will do so?

