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Soft tips

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  • Soft tips

    Can anyone recommend a decent make of soft tip please?

  • #2
    Mike's or Coutts'


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Samling View Post
      Mike's or Coutts'
      they are both quite firm tips?

      cannon blue velvets are soft, also a box of elks will have a variation of soft tips but its knowing which is which in a box.


      • #4
        Until recently I had a soft Pool Baron on my pool cue. It is a great tip but I did find that it would need attention if used a lot or after a miscue easy to work on though, and rubs down very quickly.
        I understand Pool Baron can also be available in Medium and Hard.
        I have acouple of Mediums but not used them yet so do not know what they are like.
        In addition, I only changed the Pool Baron soft tip as I got a few of those Brunswick Blue Diamonds from the 90s which ADR found at the back of his store room
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • #5
          Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
          Brunswick Blue Diamonds from the 90s
          They would definitely get my vote, and as elks would cause I've one on at the minute which Trevor put on my new TW and its an absolute beauty!!
          Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
          Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


          • #6
            Originally Posted by coomsey76 View Post
            They would definitely get my vote, and as elks would cause I've one on at the minute which Trevor put on my new TW and its an absolute beauty!!
            yep it is a great tip but I would not rate them as Soft as per the OPs request
            Up the TSF! :snooker:


            • #7
              Really....?? so you would say a Blue Diamond tip isn't classed as a soft tip??

              I would say a blue diamond and elks are definitely in the soft tip bracket as so to speak.....
              Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
              Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


              • #8
                I would not when compared to the soft Pool Baron. *
                But I would not rate them as Hard either.
                Medium I would if pushed, but an ElkMaster I had previous on my snooker cue was rock-hard and got rid of that quick-sharpish.

                * maybe we need a "cool" wall like on TopGear, and maybe the Pool Baron Soft would be rated as "supersoft" compared to other tips rated as soft.
                Up the TSF! :snooker:


                • #9
                  problem with that is you could probably stick an Elk in most categories!


                  • #10
                    I would recommend Tweeten Triumph tip for a softer hit.
                    Nice tips, keep the shape, very good to glue also.
                    mind control > body control > cue control > ball control

