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  • #16
    A case resolution ... erm it was a gift?

    It's going to cost next too nothing to fix, £40-50??? Craftsman charged me ~£12 to glue an entire machine spliced cue that came apart! If you're talking an inch lifting, inject glue clamp job done, it's not going to be a lot.

    Probably is a genuine oversight tho. I sold a cue for a friend, and the joint dropped out after the buyer played a couple of frames - my mate said it'd never happened before but I paid for it fixing anyway.

    Some people take responsibility in life, to others everything is someone elses fault. If your seller is one of those, put it down to experiance and avoid in future.
    Old cue collector --
    Cue Sales:
    (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


    • #17
      Like your attitude

      Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
      A case resolution ... erm it was a gift?

      It's going to cost next too nothing to fix, £40-50??? Craftsman charged me ~£12 to glue an entire machine spliced cue that came apart! If you're talking an inch lifting, inject glue clamp job done, it's not going to be a lot.

      Probably is a genuine oversight tho. I sold a cue for a friend, and the joint dropped out after the buyer played a couple of frames - my mate said it'd never happened before but I paid for it fixing anyway.

      Some people take responsibility in life, to others everything is someone elses fault. If your seller is one of those, put it down to experiance and avoid in future.


      • #18
        It would be nothing for Cman's to do, you'll have it back in a jiffy. And you never know, it might be the best cue you've ever played with..


        • #19
          The cue is lovely I matched my highest break for the past 6 months with a 47 today and that's the 1st time I played with it. It has a lovely shaft but I feel I should have been told about the dent and the splice lifting. The TSF member is a good guy even if he didnt check the cue properly but it seems his mate is being a pain in the ass. He is not answering his calls so I'm not sure if it will get sorted. If the original owner speaks to craftsman 2 months after it was bought I'm sure they would sort it possibly free of charge but I'm not sure that will be the case for the 2nd owner. I'm waiting on a call back from craftsman as I've sent them photos and I'm also waiting to the TSF member to get back to me when he speaks to his mate.
          77 in a match, 97 in a line up


          • #20
            Can we see the pics??


            • #21
              edit: here you go

              Its hard to see the damage clearly in the photos but you can definitely feel it
              Last edited by rob s; 21 February 2013, 08:44 PM.
              77 in a match, 97 in a line up


              • #22
                Shouldn't be a problem to iron that all out rob.
                Nice one on matching your highest break.


                • #23
                  Thanks mate I was cueing really well today so im happy about that but I should have beaten my highest break ever but missed a thin cut on the black
                  hopefully craftsman get back to me and they can get the cue sorted for me
                  77 in a match, 97 in a line up


                  • #24
                    Don't look as bad as I imagined, should be able to get that sorted for a lot less then I originally said, as perpetual also said.
                    "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by rob s View Post
                      Thanks mate I was cueing really well today so im happy about that but I should have beaten my highest break ever but missed a thin cut on the black
                      hopefully craftsman get back to me and they can get the cue sorted for me
                      ..oow thin on the black, was it on its spot? Gotta get to know that back cushion rob! Homework 20 blacks off the spot, 50 then 100
                      Like the shaft/taper, looks responsive, kinda similar to the cue I'm using except mine is a racker.
                      Last edited by j6uk; 21 February 2013, 10:27 PM. Reason: photo


                      • #26
                        That really is nothing.

                        Any cuemaker or decent joiner would sort that out in minutes. All the best with your new cue


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by pottr View Post
                          That really is nothing.

                          Any cuemaker or decent joiner would sort that out in minutes. All the best with your new cue
                          If it was nothing then would you be happy with it on your new cue? When you buy a new cue you don't expect to spend money to fix a crack and dent no matter how small. There will also be courier costs or petrol costs and time out of my busy schedule. I just feel that honesty is key in doing business and you should always check a product fully before you sell it, after seeing your glover cue I thought you would agree
                          77 in a match, 97 in a line up


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by rob s View Post
                            If it was nothing then would you be happy with it on your new cue? When you buy a new cue you don't expect to spend money to fix a crack and dent no matter how small. There will also be courier costs or petrol costs and time out of my busy schedule. I just feel that honesty is key in doing business and you should always check a product fully before you sell it, after seeing your glover cue I thought you would agree
                            I think pottr meant that the damage is minute and easily repairable , dont think he was trying to say you were blowing it out of proportion etc .

                            Looks a nice cue , dont take this the wrong way but if i received a cue in that condition and i found i could play really well with it then i,d be more happy that i,d found a cue i like than disappointed it was slightly damaged . Thats not to say the seller should,nt rectify it of course .


                            • #29
                              Yeah, I wasn't try to blow it out of proportion. I stated straight away I wouldn't accept it.

                              I've already stated that you should contact paypal. Even though it's a gift payment, I know you can claim it back. I have done in the past. But my paypal account was connected through a credit card. I think if it were a debit card I would have had zero protection.

                              But being as you've stated that you believe you can't do anything about it. I was trying to put a silver lining on it for you.


                              • #30
                                @ Hotpot I can play well with any cue within reason as I think is true for most players. I just think attitudes change when they realise its a phoenix cue. If this was a MW, TW, JP or Tony glover then people would be saying how bad it was and that it should be fixed for free. Cos it's a Phoenix cue the attitude seems to be, its not craftsman responsibility or its not that bad or just play with it!! The cue is 2 months old, the damage was there before it was sent but wasn't described by the seller I think I have every right to feel duped

                                @ pottr thanks for the clarification on your post but the PayPal gift was linked to my debit card so I'm not gonna be getting my money back, no word back from the seller or craftsman yet either so I might have to sell it on at a loss and buy another mid range cue that is actually in brand new condition
                                Last edited by rob s; 22 February 2013, 11:11 AM.
                                77 in a match, 97 in a line up

