Some of You round here might remember froggy and his mystery base joint that jrc first bought a while back. I Am The new proud owner of him and Low and behold, the man that owns nothing but airlock extensions has solved the mystery of froggy!
Apparently he was owned by darth maul. Though the darth maul configuration is a little unwieldy it does have the advantage of you being able to play on two tables at the same time.

Ok so apparently my butters cue has the same 3/4 joint on the shaft as froggys butt joint, but does anyone actually know what joint this is? At the minute I have a 48" tapered mini butt :P
Can't help thinking this is fate... The cracks even line up between the cues!
Apparently he was owned by darth maul. Though the darth maul configuration is a little unwieldy it does have the advantage of you being able to play on two tables at the same time.

Ok so apparently my butters cue has the same 3/4 joint on the shaft as froggys butt joint, but does anyone actually know what joint this is? At the minute I have a 48" tapered mini butt :P
Can't help thinking this is fate... The cracks even line up between the cues!