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  • Shocked

    I honestly cannot believe what I have just taken delivery of.

    I have spent the last half an hour combing for the slightest fault in it's construction or any blemish in it's finish.
    This is after I spent fifteen minutes just pissing about with the extensions because... Well, they're very clever. Simple yet innovative.

    Michael, I have no idea how you got the balance point so far forward in a one piece cue. I had resigned myself to believing this unattainable and the price to pay for losing the joint in my cues.

    Everything is exactly how I wanted it from my minds eye. I have picked up thousands of cues in my life. Very few have I felt happy with before playing a shot. This is one of them.

    I am almost annoyed that a certain MUFC are playing Real Madrid tonight as I can't wait to put it through it's paces. I may even leave the office early!

    Very often in life, you have high expectations only to be let down by your own imagination. I am genuinely shocked at how pretty the thing is.

    The Cue Contest has a serious marker down from one of the heavyweights out there! Woah.

    I will post a video of a blackspin comparison with my other cues soon.

    Here's some pics

  • #2
    Fabulous looking cue that. Burr looks very nice too. Good luck with the 147 with this one


    • #3
      nice cue man
      it is a brand new one or take to mike for modify?
      i want to send my mike maple for blackspin ferrule too. please let me know how you feel


      • #4
        Brand new VCM cue, I won't pay Mike the disrespect of publishing the price on the thread without his permission.
        One month turnaround from payment to delivery... Ridiculous.

        Anyone who wants to know, can PM me.

        What I will say is, I ordered:

        One piece Maple
        58" - 9mm - 29mm - 19oz

        Double face splice with Burr and Birdseye, full set of F1's and that's exactly what I got.

        You very definitely get what you pay for! It oozes class.
        My mate in my office now has already offered me more than what I paid for it.
        Last edited by pottr; 5 March 2013, 01:34 PM.


        • #5
          So what is the balance point then? I see its quite a heavy cue at 19oz so I'd have to presume about 16.5" at best.


          • #6
            Mike's prices are not secret - anyone using the VCM can get a price for the cue.


            • #7
              Let me guess, balance point at 18.5"?

              As my balance point is 18" for 58"/18.75oz/9.8mm tips/29mm butt
              Last edited by Ct13; 5 March 2013, 01:24 PM.


              • #8
                Mike's prices are not secret - anyone using the VCM can get a price for the cue.
                When it's open

                So what is the balance point then? I see its quite a heavy cue at 19oz so I'd have to presume about 16.5" at best.
                Add a couple of inches and you're there. I am very aware at how weird it is, especially with the 9mm ferrule but I can't feel comfortable with anything that's at the correct 16ish". Just can't deliver the cue with any conviction.


                • #9
                  CT13 is the forum psychic


                  • #10
                    Very, very nice Pottr, I felt the same when I received my cue back from conversion.
                    Let me know how you get on with blackspin.

                    Guy in our pool team looked at the shallow dome on mine, and suggested a "rounder" dome.

                    Thought he wouldn't be able to hit low down on the cue ball with any confidence.

                    That was before he tried it on a table . .

                    He understands now. . .



                    • #11
                      Was about to ask who's Michael. Nice looking stick That's one pretty huge maple veneer as well.
                      Last edited by narl; 5 March 2013, 02:41 PM.


                      • #12
                        very surprised at the BP I have to say, especially for a 1 pc to get such weight to a cue yet have a BP that far forward. Either Mike drills the weight very high up into the butt or the shafts he has are very dense and naturally weighted that he doesn't have to add too much weight to the cue.


                        • #13
                          I doubt he'll tell us the secret of his art. It must be the density though.


                          • #14
                            That is one mahoosive veneer eh....

                            Nice one, a few more to go yet bud, will they all be the same designs?


                            • #15
                              Few more indeed and still a wait to go.

                              All I specified was a thick veneer. Trevor White came back to me and asked me exactly how big.

                              Parris and MW have cuebuilders on their sites so no need to specify.

