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New cue

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  • New cue

    HI ALL
    just a question for you all.

    when you have had a new cue made how long should you give it before you think about trying another one out,i ask this cause Ive had a few made over the last couple of yrs and have yet to get that feel for a cue.

    i had a Rodney Heinz made many yrs ago and when i played with it the first time it just felt like and extension of my arm ,and i want to get that feel back lol .

    any help our advice would go down well .

    cheers Andy

  • #2
    I don't think there is a set time, only the person using it can decide that. For me the most important thing is, are you prepared to adapt to a new cue? Too many people buy cues and expect them to play like their old cue or have it in their head that it has to react the way they want it to.

    If you are looking for a specific hit or you are very demanding over your needs then the only way you will find the cue you need will be to go somewhere that you can try out a load and pick one out that suits you best.
    I've had plenty of cues myself and for me I'm willing to adapt to the cue rather than expect the cue fit me from the off, if you have the right patience then any cue, within reason, will feel right over time, though it may never be perfect but I don't believe that the perfect cue exists, that is just in your mind.


    • #3
      I think it depends on how competent a player you are. If you are a regular century maker then you should be in tune with your game and know your limitations. If that's the case then It shouldn't take you too long.

      If you are a decent club player that makes regular 50's i would maybe give it a season. The biggest problem is that players expect a new cue to completely change their game for the better...... Don't fall for this.

      The game of snooker is mostly in the head. You could play amazing with it one day and terrible the next. Just try to be as relaxed and
      Open minded as possible when you practise with it. Be honest with yourself and figure out if it feels right on the majority of shots you play. It is supposed to feel like an extension of your arm!

      Good luck

