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Need help buying a cue !!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Andy Gibb has Omin cues within your budget mate they are excellent for the price.


    • #17
      I've finally made my decision and ive decided to go for a mastercue. So is Stu from Green Baize the best person to go to for Mastercue's then? :S


      • #18
        I just bought a andy travis off ebay and I've got to say its fantastic looks wise and also playing wise knocked in my highest break with in a week of having it. worth having a look there's a few on ebay at the moment would really recommend his cues


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Jcn1990 View Post
          I've finally made my decision and ive decided to go for a mastercue. So is Stu from Green Baize the best person to go to for Mastercue's then? :S
          Never been to Stu's place but if and when i do end up near his place i intend to spend a few hours there. I would not go to Stu's place with a blinkered approach. I mean he has 400 or so cues all good stuff. Just choose the one that you feel is the best. I mean GBL or master cur or whatever. As long as you feel right with it.


          • #20

            I haven't really heard of Andy Travis cue's :S, might have to research them and see if any1 has got 1 that i can try out at upton park snooker club. I haven't purchased anything yet.


            400 cues!!!! gosh hahaaa, thing is im in london so its abit of a journey to go all the way up Stu's place and try out a cue. i haven't phoned him just yet but i will do tomorrow and give him my specifications and see what he can do for me! Really fond a master cue though.


            • #21
              Master cues are very good cues but again and this goes for any make of cue. Try before you buy. Only then would you know the true worth of a cue. Stu's GBL cues are hard to match tho for the quality at that price.


              • #22
                Finally spoke to Stu from Green Baize, really nice guy, told him what i wanted and he said he can arrange it, also told him that im from london and i cant quite easily take a trip up to stockton on tees, so he said that its not a big issue as he can send the cue to me and i can try it out and if i dont like it i can send it back to him which is good . All i need now is a good design, ive looked at 1 but i want too put my own little touches to it, so now im trying to find some1 who can draw and show me so i can get a rough idea of what it will look like.

                What does every1 think of this design on the cue? Its the bottom cue in the 2nd pic!!! Instead of the green i might change that to blue with a dash of orange, what you guys think about that?


