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Bit of help?

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  • Bit of help?

    Hi guys, im looking for some advice on a new cue? i love playing snooker and im looking to get myself a decent cue, i was looking at peradon but i have seen negative reviews on here can anyone help?

  • #2
    My budget is around £100 - £150 my cue i have at the minute only cost £30 so im sure anything will be an improvement!


    • #3
      For £150 I would go with a master cue, phoenix cue or possibly a maximus cue. All of these cue makers produce good hand spliced cues from £140-300 and have a nice finish on them. You may be able to pick up a 2nd hand 1 for a good price on here. What area do you live in mate? Craftsman or Stu at Greenbaize would be worth a visit if they are close enough to you
      Last edited by rob s; 23 April 2013, 06:24 PM.
      77 in a match, 97 in a line up


      • #4
        Thanks Rob, i live in Nottingham would you say avoid peradon then? any recommendations on a specifc type of cue? im looking for a 3/4 heavy cue?

        Thanks for your reply


        • #5
          I personally do not like peradon especially for their prices and the finishes on the cues are not nice. Most 3/4 cues from mastercue or phoenix are quite heavy anyway at 18-19oz so craftsman in Leeds or stu at greenbaize in thornaby might be worth a visit as you can try before you buy. If not there will be cues for sale on here within your budget, what is your ideal spec ie length, weight, tip size
          77 in a match, 97 in a line up


          • #6
            I don't live that far from Craftsman so i might have a visit there, i didn't particularly have a length or tip size in mind, i know that a smaller tip size is a harder shot so i would preferably want a average tip size and in regards to length what generally is it best to judge? sorry for all these newbie questions i have played for a few years on and off but i am looking to play more regular!


            • #7
              Standard spec is 9.5mm, 18oz, 58inch, you are right in saying the smaller the tip the harder the shot as you need to be more accurate. Craftsman would be worth a visit as you can try out cues till you find 1 you like but you may need to increase your budget a bit especially to get extensions as well if you desire. Here is a good deal on the forum (nothing to do with me)
              He wants £200 but I'm sure you could get it for less as he is open to negotiation and GBL cues are even better than mastercue or phoenix cues but are usually slightly more expensive
              77 in a match, 97 in a line up


              • #8
                Thanks for the advice Rob, I think I will take a trip to Craftsman and try the cue's do they more or less have all the cues in stock to buy? as its a 120 mile round trip?


                • #9
                  Yeh they have loads of cues in stock ready to buy including master cue, phoenix, craftsman cues and I think they may be getting some maximus cues too but I'm not 100% on that. Go there and try out cues to your hearts content until you find 1 you like. Good luck on your search mate
                  77 in a match, 97 in a line up

