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Mastercue Tudor v Pheonix Unity

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  • Mastercue Tudor v Pheonix Unity

    Im quite new to the game of snooker and im finally wanting to dive in to it a little deeper and buy my own cue. Iv been looking at both the Mastercue tudor and the pheonix unity cue. My problem is that the unity is the only one offering the 59" length that would suit my 6ft 5 frame better.

    any one have experience in these cues?

  • #2
    Originally Posted by flying_scotsman View Post
    Im quite new to the game of snooker and im finally wanting to dive in to it a little deeper and buy my own cue. Iv been looking at both the Mastercue tudor and the pheonix unity cue. My problem is that the unity is the only one offering the 59" length that would suit my 6ft 5 frame better.

    any one have experience in these cues?
    entirely up to you but there are a few cue makers on here, and a very good seconhand market that you could get better for your money, welcome


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick reply!
      My problem is that im new to.the sport and when I read all about cues the people selling them obviously wont say a bad thing about their product so thats why I asked here to get a more even and fair review of the cues. If anyone knows of any other cues that are similar for the same price (max budget £140)


      • #4
        I have a couple of Phoenix cues, a supreme and a master and they are both fanstastic cues for the money. I actually play and prefer the master cue, just seems to feel right for me but I wouldn't get too hung up on ranges or names such as unity, master, tudor etc, just go for a cue based on the dimensions near to what you need. Buying a cue blind is never the best way but if there is no option of trying before buying then just go for the cue based on spec. Just because 1 cue costs £120 and another £250 doesn't mean its better, its probably gauged purely on appearance rather than how it performs.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by flying_scotsman View Post
          ... Iv been looking at both the Mastercue tudor and the pheonix unity cue....
          The Tudor is a machine spliced cue, whereas the Unity is a handspliced cue which is much better, and if you have looked at the prices will find it costs roughly double that of the Tudor. Phoenix cues are very high quality, you would be happy with one

