The cues on offer are of a high quality and the only difference is that the inlays and splicing may not be as perfect. There is always a market for fake goods in life,be that a handbag,Rolex,levis,raybans or horsemeat lasagne or whatever,people will always buy products at a lower price.The inflated prices of the top makers will dictate that. From my experience around 1 in every 5 of these cues are actually a very well finished cue but if you do the maths on that you might as well pay for the real thing! Parris cues are a pile of crap IMO and the quality across the range is hit and miss. Hunt & O'Byrne were the best in the business,unmatchable. If you want a top spec cue made to your specifics Dave Brown at CC is second to none, and for under £250
No announcement yet.
This month's Ebay Seller of the Month goes to....
Originally Posted by nicoswan View PostThe cues on offer are of a high quality and the only difference is that the inlays and splicing may not be as perfect. There is always a market for fake goods in life,be that a handbag,Rolex,levis,raybans or horsemeat lasagne or whatever,people will always buy products at a lower price.The inflated prices of the top makers will dictate that. From my experience around 1 in every 5 of these cues are actually a very well finished cue but if you do the maths on that you might as well pay for the real thing! Parris cues are a pile of crap IMO and the quality across the range is hit and miss. Hunt & O'Byrne were the best in the business,unmatchable. If you want a top spec cue made to your specifics Dave Brown at CC is second to none, and for under £250---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Old cue collector --
Cue Sales:
(yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)
Originally Posted by nicoswan View PostThe cues on offer are of a high quality and the only difference is that the inlays and splicing may not be as perfect. There is always a market for fake goods in life,be that a handbag,Rolex,levis,raybans or horsemeat lasagne or whatever,people will always buy products at a lower price.The inflated prices of the top makers will dictate that. From my experience around 1 in every 5 of these cues are actually a very well finished cue but if you do the maths on that you might as well pay for the real thing! Parris cues are a pile of crap IMO and the quality across the range is hit and miss. Hunt & O'Byrne were the best in the business,unmatchable. If you want a top spec cue made to your specifics Dave Brown at CC is second to none, and for under £250
So these are your cues?
Originally Posted by nicoswan View PostThe cues on offer are of a high quality and the only difference is that the inlays and splicing may not be as perfect. There is always a market for fake goods in life,be that a handbag,Rolex,levis,raybans or horsemeat lasagne or whatever,people will always buy products at a lower price.The inflated prices of the top makers will dictate that. From my experience around 1 in every 5 of these cues are actually a very well finished cue but if you do the maths on that you might as well pay for the real thing! Parris cues are a pile of crap IMO and the quality across the range is hit and miss. Hunt & O'Byrne were the best in the business,unmatchable. If you want a top spec cue made to your specifics Dave Brown at CC is second to none, and for under £250
I like an H & O like the next man and i've been fortunate enough to have seen a good fair few , but best in the business ...I would have to disagree . Even the cuemaker disagrees as well .
I met Will Hunt on numerous occasions when he was working with Robert Osborne and he could not understand what all the fuss was about and why they now sell for £££'s . Although he said that they were a decent cue , he felt that he was making a far better cue with Robert Osborne at the time .
But as with everything it is subjective to personal experience .
As for Parris cues , pile of crap is very harsh . Seen some very good [ Majority ] ....seen some not so good . My mate has just bought a rack cue [ Champion ] and it is a very good cue . Nice feel to it .
I had a cue from a top maker and it looked a decent cue but it was just not for me , but for someone else it may well suit their game .Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !
Originally Posted by Stupree View PostThe two are separate issues and are not similar in my mind. The issue of how cuemakers personally badge and describe their products has been well covered here and needs no further exploration. This is not the matter being discussed here.
To my mind it is one and the same thing, an attempt to mislead the buyer into believing that the product was actually made by the maker.
The badge is the cuemaker's personal seal of approval and it is theirs to place on items at their discretion that match the standards of quality they deem fit for their brand. For an unauthorised party to place that seal of approval on any product is wrong, immoral and misleading.
This would be true for a designer who then outsources, different scenario I think.
If I was to become a user on another forum assuming the username 'vmax4steve' with an identical avatar image and started to dish out coaching advice that was of poorer quality and not developmentally sound this would have an affect on your reputation and you could rightly feel aggrieved that you were being misrepresented.
I don't feel I have any kind of reputation, either on this forum or in any part of my life.
I feel that this is more akin to the issue here
The issue is getting ripped off, no matter who does it.
Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post................
We are actually looking a little more closely at the topic here and are differentiating between the makers right to represent their reputation and brand with items that they see fit to be labelled and branded. An unauthorised party, in this instance an ebay seller, does not have the right to label any product that he knows or suspects is not the product of that maker or brand.
It is a fair point that you do not lay claim any reputation but a one does exist for us all, whether we like it or not, as reputations are held in society by the public. Any actions that appear as yours affect the reputation associated to you.
Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View PostThere's always a market for crack cocaine too... maybe we should have that one eBay too?
the chance of getting good or fair feedback would be slim, let alone the admission the product actually arrived…
great opportunity to sell fake product or low quality substitute though. which leads us nicely back to the point of the op
I doubt there are many amongst the forum who would be fooled into buying a re-badged cue. The fact is that people will knowingly buy fakes at cheaper prices because that's the way the world is. Quality may not be as good as your Brit cues but if your any good you can use a broom handle and pot balls.
£50-£120 vs £500-£???? Therein lyes the problem
As for Egnaro55 and ebay................
I'm Spartacus
This isn't a Trevor White the splices are so un-even
Originally Posted by finabb View Post
This isn't a Trevor White the splices are so un-even