Originally Posted by cueman
Naturally, a company producing or marketing a 'NEW' product, has to be able to offer something which sets it apart from the 'pack', otherwise it just becomes another one of the same (more or less).
With these Acuerate cues, they've focused the benefits almost exclusively on the 'fact???' that these cues do not throw the white ball when off centre striking is applied. Well, for me, this is a little hopeful to say the least.
The truth is, many cues play differently as a good number of us will know. Some throw the white a mile when striking off centre, while others throw so little, that you can practically play the potting angle when applying huge amounts of side to the white. So with this in mind, the key is to be able to establish what exactly it is that allows a cue to behave this way.
What Acuerate appear to be claiming, is to be the 'only' people to understand the way to produce a cue like this, when this is just not the case.
I could ask Acuerate to produce a cue for me, to my specs, which I know would definitely throw the white ball....FACT, purely because the specs I'd provided made it that way.
What they will have to do, to produce a cue that doesn't throw, or throws a minimal amount, is to build the cue to how it 'HAS TO BE BUILT' to behave this way, not, the way I'd like it to be. This, is not what an enormous number of players would want to use, as it wouldn't really fit what they like by way of the feel in a cue.
It's more than possible to build cues week in week out that have a minimal throw off effect, time and again, that can be done no problem.
But, my question is this.....
Will this be a cue that will suit any and every player???
Can these cues be built to an individuals own specifications and still behave this way???
The answers to these questions is NO.
The reason for this is purely because not all players like, or, would wish to use a cue of this shape, size, weight, taper etc etc etc.
For them to say the cue never throws the white, or has really minimal deflection is nothing new at all. There are thousands of standard cues that play like this, and that is a total fact. By the same token, there are thousands of cues that throw the white all over the shop, and that is also a fact. As has been stated in the above post, Mr Ebdon still sticks with his own cue, even though he was somewhat amazed by the Acuerate.
Well for me, this is no surprise whatsoever, as the cue Ebdon uses is probably a very reliable solid cue that will 'do what it says on the tin' and obey the command the player using it gives.
It's this ability of any cue, to 'OBEY THE COMMAND' that proves whether it is a reliable, trustworthy cue.......or not.
The thing with Stephen Hendry is, that while he no doubt used the Parris cue for some time, and, was relatively haapy with it. There would 'always' be another cue that felt good to him, he just had to find one, and believe me, there would be many. It's just that the one he happened to try was made by these people, it's no big shock, it could've been anything really.
Does the fact that Hendry seems to like this Acuerate thingy prove that these cues are the answer to everybody's prayers for the 'perfect cue'
No it does'nt.....sorry.
There are many cues, by many different makers, that will perform just as well as this cue, that is a fact. Some will be beautifully built, some won't be.
However, does this mean 'ALL' these makers understand what makes a great cue tick???
No it does'nt........But some of us do.