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Parris updated cue waiting times, don't look if you have an order placed already!

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  • Parris updated cue waiting times, don't look if you have an order placed already!

    Yes, Parris cues has updated the waiting time for all the range of Parris cues.

    To save you time here they are.

    Parris Collection Cues 10-16 weeks for 16” 3/4 cues and 16-25 weeks for 1pc and 12” joint butt cues
    American Pool Cues 10-16 weeks
    Limited Edition Cues 16-20 weeks
    Special Cues 16-24 weeks for 16” 3/4 cues and 30-40 weeks for 1pc and 12” butt joint cues
    Paragon Cues 16-24 weeks for 16” 3/4 cues and 30-40 weeks for 1pc and 12” butt joint cues
    Ultimate Cues 8-12 months for 16” 3/4 cues and 24-30 months for 1pc and 12” butt joint cues

    Its mainly the made to measure range that have seen a change in time and increase for the 1pc cues.
    So its official now, you have to wait a minimum of 2 years for a 1pc Ultimate cue!

    Fedia will be selling them for £4000 soon knowing this.

  • #2
    Times have really changed, when I ordered my special 3/4 in 98 it took about 8-9 weeks and only cost £275, an ultimate cost about £409.


    • #3
      Definitely times have changed. I had my Traditional made in 1997 around March/April I think. Phoned him up he said he hadn't got any traditionals in the spec that I wanted so he'd make one up. Less than a month later it was in my hand, £240 I think with an SD joint fitted.

      I don't know why he doesn't close his book on orders, near enough every other cue maker does this when they have too many orders. All this does is delay the existing orders further, its bad business sense and will damage his reputation soon.


      • #4
        I don't understand it myself, I recall someone posting a while back and he was apparently told by John the reason for the insane lead time was lack of Ultimate grade shafts. Would make more sense to stop taking orders for ultimate's and get the current ones cleared and maybe build up some stock of shafts for ultimate cues. Then again that's what £100 per cue deposit that's not accumulating interest in the interim.

        I still don't understand why the lead-time for a maple ultimate is the same, surely there's less criteria for a maple shaft to meet in terms of grain etc? No "toffee" marks being probably the main one as grain isn't really a factor.

        Having up wait up to 30 months is a big gamble as some people have found they've adapted to other cues during the waiting time. You'll still get your money back on it and then some but I suppose its a bit deflating finally getting it and finding you play better with the cue you've been using during the wait.
        Last edited by narl; 11 February 2014, 04:14 PM.


        • #5
          In 1996 I purchased a JP Classic 22oz (what was I thinking!!!) and it cost me 175.00 quid. Bargain! Only waited 2 weeks.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by ken147 View Post
            In 1996 I purchased a JP Classic 22oz (what was I thinking!!!) and it cost me 175.00 quid. Bargain! Only waited 2 weeks.

            Cue prices today really are mental, £400 sounded a lot in 98 but its almost doubled now =/


            • #7
              The point about waiting 30 months is true. I myself at the time of ordering my Ultimate in Sep 2012 had it in my mind that I could wait a year which was what I expected because in the meantime I would persevere with my old JP until that time.

              When I heard that the waiting times had increased I knew that waiting over 18 months was too long so took a chance on a phoenix cue from craftsman and I have now adapted and feel it will serve me for the forseeable. I did actually in my hour of frustration order a maximus Ultimate too more out of curiousity than anything which should be with me within a month. If that is everything I hope it will be then I have no shame in admitting that the JP will be an investment and sold on for profit to anyone desperate enough to want one. Unless of course its an absolute beauty and plays better than my other cues, I'll live in hope!

              Just also to add, I see, as normal, JP has been blowing his own trumpet again, this time over Murphy's recent PTC win and two maximums in the space of a week. As you know Shaun's cue broke earlier in the season and JP made him a replacement cue, an Ultimate. Seems strange how he can get the required piece of ash and make a cue up for a pro in a matter of weeks, yet for anyone else you are talking years! That is nothing to do with scarcity of finding suitable ash, its about a waiting list which is growing by the hour and he can't meet demand.
              Last edited by cueman; 11 February 2014, 09:24 PM.


              • #8
                10 months for a Special is ridiculous...

                I've emailed them to ask if the revised timings are for new orders or is it including existing orders

                Was just coming into the timeframe where my own Special which has been on order since last August could've been made / delivered.... sigh
                #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


                • #9
                  Bought one of those cheap hand made Chinese cues about £40 mini butt included, delivery one week

                  Just tried it out yesterday on a line up made 91 first go missed an easy black with two reds left! grrr

                  Slightly heavier than my MW black legend at 19.5 oz

                  Not sure about using it in a match though


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                    I don't know why he doesn't close his book on orders, near enough every other cue maker does this when they have too many orders. All this does is delay the existing orders further, its bad business sense and will damage his reputation soon.
                    I can't see me waiting longer because of the queue getting longer behind me?


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by svendh View Post
                      I can't see me waiting longer because of the queue getting longer behind me?
                      Who knows how he prioritises orders. We know for certain that pro's come first, and who knows how many pro's he is making cues for on a regular basis. Secondly, like most UK based cue makers, the majority of orders will be coming from China and the far east, many of these will be orders placed in bulk for agents, just like Raymo (exquisite), he doesn't take orders because of a number of orders for these agents.

                      I'm not naive to think that he does them in order of when the order is placed. If that were the case then surely when I placed the order for my JPU back in Sep '12, the then waiting time of 50 weeks should have stood and the cue would be in my hand now. As it is I, like many others, have just been told to refer to the waiting time on his website, so from 50 weeks to 3 years, something seems amiss don't you think?!!!


                      • #12
                        I don't know why he's still getting orders never mind taking them, if you stick your hand in the fire can you really complain if you get burned.The lads that ordered one when the waiting lists were acceptable, I would be raging that he knocked up a cue for a pro in a matter of weeks, your money is as good as anyone's , if Murphy even paid for it, and if it were me I would be letting him know he's taking the Michael .
                        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                        • #13
                          Could everyone who's feed up with waiting please cancel their orders as this would me get my cue earlier.


                          • #14
                            Some orders in the queue would obviously get bumped if a specific style of shaft was asked for and found, maybe x amount of arrows and a medium stiff shaft. As said I've no doubt pro's would more than likely get priority as its their living.


                            • #15
                              The problem is people are buying these cues as an investment, not for personal playing use.

                              Parris cues are becoming bitcoins!

                              Possibly Dutch tulips

