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Micro splinters

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  • Micro splinters

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here

    My cue has some small splinters on the shaft, around the area that my chin meets the cue, so as you can imagine it can be a bit distracting when lining up to shoot.
    Is there some way to remove them without damaging the cue?


  • #2
    Can you take a photo? Or provide more detail on length, depth, what caused splinters, etc?

    I'm not a fan of shaving on a daily basis so I understand your pain! You could always do a Graeme Dott and wear a plaster on yer chin!


    • #3
      They are too small to show up in a photograph, you can hardly see them, you can only feel them if you run your finger over them but they are there. The only problem really is when playing with a bit of a stubble, somehow it tends to get caught in them and it can pinch.
      Should i sand the area with a fine sandpaper? We basically talking about a 3 inch patch.


      • #4
        I get the same problem even on the smoothest of maple shafts, I've often wondered if short stubble acts as an abrasive and causes the problem in the first place?


        • #5
          Originally Posted by bradwight View Post
          I get the same problem even on the smoothest of maple shafts, I've often wondered if short stubble acts as an abrasive and causes the problem in the first place?
          I bought an old Riley maple cue, which I treated like all my cues, before using it
          ( wipe with slightly damp cloth then dry ).
          As soon as I was drying it, I could feel the roughness from lots of tiny bits of what
          I can only assume to be raised wood. Had to remove ( or did I flatten ) with 0000 steel wool, until smooth again.

          None of my previous cues did this when going theough the same slightly damp cloth , then dry cloth , treatment,
          but then again , this was my 1st maple cue. . .
          Last edited by billabong; 25 February 2014, 07:46 AM. Reason: missed an "0"


          • #6
            Just give the whole cue a good fettle with some 0000 grade wire wool off eBay....will be as good as new

