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To do or not to do?

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  • To do or not to do?

    Hi. I just received me cue back from Tony Glover. I was just wondering if I should oil it? How often should I oil a maple cue? What oil to use if any? Thanks.

  • #2
    In my own personal opinion I would leave it. Most people are too obsessed with oiling their cues. Unless the cue is obviously very dry to the point where it needs some oil I think you should just leave it as it is. If it needed oil I'm sure Tony would have mentioned it or gave it some when he had it in his workshop. Cue oil really doesn't do a lot to a cue, its another gimmick like most things, hence why so many people market it as being special!


    • #3
      I'm use Linseed oil on mine. A small bottle of the stuff will last you a lifetime.


      • #4
        I agree, cues only need oiled when they obviously need oiled! A new cue from a reputable cue maker wont need oiled and maple cues don't necessarily need oiled anyway if the finish is smooth enough. If its just been made it will have been finished anyway so Id just leave it as it is.


        • #5
          It wasn't made by Tony I just wanted him to reduce the tip size.


          • #6
            Tony would have oiled if necessary just leave it as it is if its smooth.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by stejohn View Post
              Tony would have oiled if necessary just leave it as it is if its smooth.
              It felt bone dry and seemed like it hadn't even seen oil so I decided to do it myself.


              • #8
                @Canny Tim, if it is bone dry feeling use a bit of wax. it will solves your problem if you r not confident with oil...

