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cue warp, how to straighten?

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  • cue warp, how to straighten?

    Hi all,

    How do you straighten a cue that is warp? I have this john parris classic but it's warp now.

    Another thing is I came across some snooker cues with pool cue tips like the zan or moori tips. Anyone tried those before? How does it plays and feel?

  • #2
    cue warp, how to straighten?

    Any cuemaker will be able to straighten the shaft for minimal cost. Regarding those tips mentioned they are quite hard so if you're used to pressed tips you may not like them. Though we all have different tastes so it can't hurt to try them...
    Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning...


    • #3
      There are different ways to straighten bends, depending largely on what sort of bend it is, where it is, whether your cue is jointed and how quickly you want it fixed. A description or length on photograph would help.

      That said, I get most bends out by gently bending the cue back in the opposite way but be warned, CUES CAN SNAP if you're not careful or if there's any inherent weaknesses hidden in the wood grain. If you're not in a rush and the bend is a gentle one caused by leaning against a wall, hang it up with a cue hanger (couple of quid from ebay) tape a 1kg bag of sand to the bottom of the butt and leave it in a warm room for a few weeks.


      • #4
        I had a two piece cue that I gently bent in the opposite direction of the bend until it snapped. Be careful.


        • #5
          Yup, even worse when it's not your own! If you're in any doubt five it to a professional who knows what theyre doing and presumably has insurance if you suddenly end up with a two piece! Lol


          • #6
            Originally Posted by bradwight View Post
   a professional who knows what theyre doing and presumably has insurance if you suddenly end up with a two piece! Lol
            All straightening is done at owners risk


            • #7
              Glad to hear its not just be who says that. At the end of the day why should I cover the cost if I break a bent cue while trying to fix it when you were careless enough to let it get like that in the first place!

              I've only ever broke two, one snapped at the half joint, shaft was repaired, the brass went before the wood, and the other was a maple shaft which went 8" from the tip due to a tiny little, almost invisible knot in the wood.


              • #8
                I remember a cue I managed to get hold of it was a 1 piece very old ash cue, I swapped an expensive cue plus cash to get it, very dark solid cue, if I remember it correctly it came from a locked room in a con club,(poss 100yrs),, well myself and this cue became 1!! Even a pro remarked on the lines and power I was getting from shots using it, but,,, after working a night shift and not going straight to sleep I was at the club playing, yes I was tired, but as I was playing the cue just didn't look straight, yes it has a slight bend but I was holding it with the bend coming up, so I hold the cue and gently apply pressure,,,, yep,, i can honestly say I felt like I was only gently bending it but it snapped!!!, , the only and last cue ive ever broken, I was gutted, I felt like I snapped myself, (sorry for going on) lol
                Off to bed gutted, the next day I'm on one of my many trips to see Rodney hinde (I had many cues from him), I leave it with him, 3 weeks later I'm there to pick up my broken magical once in a life time cue, he done a great job, only with very close inspection you could see where I snapped it, but I was happy it was back as a cue!!,, then,,,, something strange happened , Rodney was talking while holding the cue and looking down it, he then started to apply some pressure to the cue!!!,, I'm like no,,,NO Rodney it's ok , he's got the cue in his grip, he's applying a little pressure, BANG,,, he snaps it completely in the opposite direction to the original break, the cue was old and very brittle and now ready for the bin,, thats my story of how easy cues can break, ive seen someone steaming a cue to try and get a bend out, personal I would leave well alone, or if someone is doing it, pray and keep your fingers crossed ;-)


                • #9

                  Easy peasy... I dare you!
                  Old cue collector --
                  Cue Sales:
                  (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                  • #10
                    What is going on there lol


                    • #11
                      Looks like a cue torture chamber . . .
                      My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
                      I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)


                      • #12
                        Is he steaming the cue?


                        • #13
                          I will get a pic of the warp this weekend. Anyway its a john parris classic. 58 inch. It has a 9mm tip


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by tofushop193 View Post
                            Is he steaming the cue?
                            Yes, he is steaming the cue.
                            My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
                            I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)


                            • #15
                              But wouldn't that cause the fibers of the wood to expand and damage the cue?

