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Is Ebay the new Wonga/QuickQuid/QuickCash???

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  • Is Ebay the new Wonga/QuickQuid/QuickCash???

    There seems to be a trend in a small portion of ebay sellers to list items to get some quick cash with no intention of actually selling the item they listed.

    This has happened to me with a seller named darrenmurrell27 ( who I won an auction for 'Snooker Cue' ( which was listed as a GBL C6 for a bargain price of £100 + postage. After a message to chase him up having not received the item after 7 days I was told that he would be sending it once he got a tube for it. Then he said he had arranged the courier and I would get it by today. He has messaged me this morning to say that he has just given the cue a once over before sending and noticed an issue with the thread on the joint so won't be sending it and will give me a refund.

    Checking his feedback I can see he has done this before with an item.

    Not a bad way to lay your hands on a hundred quid or so with no interest payments or am I being harsh???
    On Cue Facebook Page
    Stuart Graham Coaching Website - On a break until March 2015
    Ton Praram Cues UK Price List

  • #2
    What he will do is re-list at a latter date , so that he can get the price that he wants . Usual trick .

    So what we then do is get everyone to bid on it until it gets to a silly price and then don't pay him. We do this on another Forum that i belong to.....great fun .

    Also , stick a complaint in to Ebay and tell them about the history with the other item as well .
    Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


    • #3
      No your not being harsh mate, eBay is full of scammers! I lost over a hundered quid when selling a mobile phone a few years ago. I received PayPal notification saying the funds were in which turned out to be fake, despite it being identical to a real one. EBay and Paypal weren't interested in pursuing it, both saying it was the other who should investigate.
      It can be a dangerous place, be wary!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
        What he will do is re-list at a latter date , so that he can get the price that he wants . Usual trick .

        So what we then do is get everyone to bid on it until it gets to a silly price and then don't pay him. We do this on another Forum that i belong to.....great fun .

        Also , stick a complaint in to Ebay and tell them about the history with the other item as well .
        Ha ha Neil I like the idea of turning the tables

        I did think the same initially about it going for a bit too cheap for his liking but I couldn't work out why he dragged it out for so long rather than the issue with the joint being discovered a day or two after the auction. He has dragged it out for a reason. Also he set the reserve price which I met, so he had decided that he was happy with £100 for it. I really do suspect it was all about grabbing a few quid in the short term.
        On Cue Facebook Page
        Stuart Graham Coaching Website - On a break until March 2015
        Ton Praram Cues UK Price List


        • #5
          Originally Posted by ayrshire_top View Post
          No your not being harsh mate, eBay is full of scammers! I lost over a hundered quid when selling a mobile phone a few years ago. I received PayPal notification saying the funds were in which turned out to be fake, despite it being identical to a real one. EBay and Paypal weren't interested in pursuing it, both saying it was the other who should investigate.
          It can be a dangerous place, be wary!
          Ebay own Paypal. They are the same company.


          • #6
            Is Ebay the new Wonga/QuickQuid/QuickCash???

            Well ebay have today ruled in my favour so I now get my refund, which is a great feature of their service.

            So the seller has had my £120 for three weeks which at 0% interest opposed to 2236% interest of the money lenders makes it a great way to borrow money!

            Anyone else need a few quid?
            On Cue Facebook Page
            Stuart Graham Coaching Website - On a break until March 2015
            Ton Praram Cues UK Price List


            • #7
              I had a guy offer me silly money for a mobile phone I was selling .... He sent me one of those fake paypal invoice things to try and scam me . I said ok to the sale and went and put an old dog sh1t into a box, with the word NOKIA scribbled on the box , wrapped it up and sent it to him.


              • #8
                Lol well i always go straight to paypal to make sure it's there and withdraw it immediately


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Catch 22 View Post
                  ...and went and put an old dog sh1t into a box....
                  I can understand having new stuff lying around, but old ???? lol, do you keep it for such circumstances


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Stupree View Post
                    Well ebay have today ruled in my favour so I now get my refund, which is a great feature of their service.

                    So the seller has had my £120 for three weeks which at 0% interest opposed to 2236% interest of the money lenders makes it a great way to borrow money!

                    Anyone else need a few quid?
                    It would be equally as easy to play the con in reverse. Every seller who states "no insurance", "2nd class post", "no liability for loss or damage in transit" - all very nice, but if they don't keep proof of postage, then any buyer who claims will be refunded without any debate at all.

                    Reminds me of a mate of mine, he got conned as someone returned an item which an empty box, mate signed for recept of it and they got a refund! Now he opens on the door and annoys the delivery man.
                    Old cue collector --
                    Cue Sales:
                    (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                      I can understand having new stuff lying around, but old ???? lol, do you keep it for such circumstances

                      Unfortunatly people in my area are not great at cleaning up after their dogs , so I had plenty to choose from lol


                      • #12
                        Something needs to be done about postal scams . I know a guy who order a very expensive piece of equipment and when it was delivered he was not home so the delivery guy left it with a neighbour (who signed for it ) . When he got home and the neighbour gave him his item , he phoned the shop and said he never received the item . The shop checked and said it had been signed for by a neighbour . The guy I know just said "well I ain't got my item and my neighbours said they don't have it either , so what you going to do about it " .....abracadabra a new very expensive piece of equipment was shipped out that day FOC .

                        This guy got a lot of stick from everyone involved and no longer gets traded with etc . Utter knob

