NEW Jason (Cue Guru) Owen Multi Splice Cue FOR SALE
Undoubtedly a great piece of craftsmanship that is not to my tastes at all, far too busy. I have seen this and a similar multi wood Crispian Jones Cue go unsold at £400+
In my experience pool players generally dip in to their pockets by £200-£300 for a cue if they are after something from a reputable maker. A few will go above this and most will be spending way below this.
Undoubtedly a great piece of craftsmanship that is not to my tastes at all, far too busy. I have seen this and a similar multi wood Crispian Jones Cue go unsold at £400+
In my experience pool players generally dip in to their pockets by £200-£300 for a cue if they are after something from a reputable maker. A few will go above this and most will be spending way below this.