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Help verifying Rodney Hinde cue

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  • #16
    This cue being only 56" and 9 mm will only appeal to short pool players, so isn't going to be worth a lot


    • #17
      Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
      This cue being only 56" and 9 mm will only appeal to short pool players, so isn't going to be worth a lot
      I've tried every cue size up to 61.5" as i was under the illusion I needed to as I have a long reach, but have recently been advised on my grip and cuing action and 56" is plenty long enough for me, and kind of forces me to hold the cue right if that makes sense?
      I just thought a cue of this quality from a now retired cue maker would be at least worth a couple of hundred with the mini butt and long extension? Still think I got a bargain though at £100 with A leather Omin case also in decent nick?
      No one is listening until you make a mistake!


      • #18
        Well it's had its first trip out, and have to say I'm very impressed with it, smaller tip a little unforgiving on the long shots, but around the balls plays like a dream, going to see if i can mushroom it up a bit, if this cue was 9.5mm it would be perfect. Now i think i've finally worked out my ideal cue configuration think i'll have to have a big summer blow out to fund my search for the one!
        No one is listening until you make a mistake!


        • #19
          Nice one ....

