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Splices not too far out.... Reply from owner.

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  • #16
    What year did you get to the last 16 of the 8 ball world champs ?

    Did start out with snooker or pool ?

    Slightly of topic, but I'm nosy !
    Last edited by Kieran m; 20 August 2014, 07:18 PM.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by Byrom View Post
      sorry you would not sell your maximus for how much???

      1200 pounds!!!

      I'd have sent it gift wrapped with some Chinese fortune cookies
      slightly off topic but I wouldn't sell my maximus ultimate for that either. Its an absolute belter of a cue and to be honest these cues for me are the best on the market right now, no competition.


      • #18
        Originally Posted by azzza View Post
        Good afternoon Gentlemen,

        I am the owner of the John Parris Ultimate cue that was recently the hot topic of debate in the above mentioned thread. That thread has now been closed now for obvious reasons but I feel compelled to reply to some of the assumptions and statements made about my cue.

        I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I don't really have the time to sit here and waffle on, I spend all my spare time practicing.
        Firstly, Most if not all of you have made the assumption that my cue left the JP workshop with one splicing lower than the others. That is wrong. Around 2 years ago my chalk holder came loose from its position in my case and left a small scratch very close to the top of the top facing splicing. I took it to a French polisher who kindly removed the annoying scratch for me. he advised me that while polishing it would lower the splice a little. I said that was not a problem to me and to go ahead. He also advised he could match up the other splices with sanding and polishing but it would alter the weight of the cue slightly so I decided against this as it plays beautifully.

        Secondly there was also an assumption that this was a Quote "Sub standard cue" This couldn't be further from the truth!! This cue was made in the late 90's by John himself. The feel and balance of this cue is like no other I have played with. The workmanship from John Parris cues now is nowhere and I mean nowhere near the quality of this cue.

        I have a new Cue now, made by Ton at Maximus Cues, Which is a little longer, (58'1/4) and was made to the exact same spec as my Parris and as I had seen the workmanship on other cues made for some friends of mine I was happy for him to make this cue for me. I even chose the shaft I wanted, the pointed grain I wanted along with the number of chevrons I wanted and was sent countless pictures of my cue as it was made. Something that I couldn't get with JP along with total guesswork as to what the grain would be like after two years of waiting. My new cue is stunning and would have no hesitation in recommending Maximus cues to anybody.

        For anyone that doubts my ability or knowledge of cues I am a top Amateur who just really didn't get a chance to go pro, I have made 396 century breaks in practice, (not line up's) and 93 in competitive play. I've compiled 147's got to the last 16 of the world 8 ball pool championships and played on television. A good cue is all about feel and how it strikes the ball. Nothing more. I've seen relitivley cheap cues with a great feel and iv'e seen very, very expensive cues with horrible feel and a shaft that wouldn't look out of place with the cheap cues on the shelf in Sports Direct, The most recent being a friend (main tour pro) who waited a year for a JP Paragon who was so disappointed with the shaft and Butt splicing he was almost in tears. That wasn't going to happen to me and if I was going to buy a JP I'd rather buy mine all day long knowing its history and grain along with a top players personal reference.

        As for the price, That what it's worth to me, with all that iv'e won with it and the places iv'e been with it I wouldn't sell it for a penny less. Iv'e been offered £1200 from China. Not enough for me to sell it.

        Thankyou for taking the time to read this, I hope it clears up any questions that anyone may have.


        hahahahaha,,,, ahhh man this is a great story Aaron,,,
        ,, You know, I advise you strongly to go for help. as I see it, you need it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        As you know, your brain in your head consists of two parts.
        In your case, the first part of your brain making things up that never happened. The second part of your brain, convinces the first part: it's true, you're right.
        Is a very rare disease. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Good news is: you can probably heal.
        Sorry kid, but you're talking out f your ass !!!
        btw, I know someone who plays in high level.
        but he has never made 396 centurys.
        If you have time, he would like to play a few frams vs you.
        Maybe we can learn something.
        Say when ???


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
          hahahahaha,,,, ahhh man this is a great story Aaron,,,
          ,, You know, I advise you strongly to go for help. as I see it, you need it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          As you know, your brain in your head consists of two parts.
          In your case, the first part of your brain making things up that never happened. The second part of your brain, convinces the first part: it's true, you're right.
          Is a very rare disease. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Good news is: you can probably heal.
          Sorry kid, but you're talking out f your ass !!!
          btw, I know someone who plays in high level.
          but he has never made 396 centurys.
          If you have time, he would like to play a few frams vs you.
          Maybe we can learn something.
          Say when ???
          Very odd post Ramon ???
          Why don't you believe him, ?? many top amateurs get century breaks every week, i know one who has had a dozen 147's but still not good enough/had the chance to be a pro


          • #20
            Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
            Very odd post Ramon ???
            Why don't you believe him, ?? many top amateurs get century breaks every week, i know one who has had a dozen 147's but still not good enough/had the chance to be a pro

            haha, LoL,, oky,,, in that case , looks like I'm behind the facts. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            thanks for clarifying.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
              hahahahaha,,,, ahhh man this is a great story Aaron,,,
              ,, You know, I advise you strongly to go for help. as I see it, you need it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              As you know, your brain in your head consists of two parts.
              In your case, the first part of your brain making things up that never happened. The second part of your brain, convinces the first part: it's true, you're right.
              Is a very rare disease. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Good news is: you can probably heal.
              Sorry kid, but you're talking out f your ass !!!
              btw, I know someone who plays in high level.
              but he has never made 396 centurys.
              If you have time, he would like to play a few frams vs you.
              Maybe we can learn something.
              Say when ???
              If it is called " Common sense " why is it so rare???


              • #22
                Originally Posted by Ramon View Post

                haha, LoL,, oky,,, in that case , looks like I'm behind the facts. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                thanks for clarifying.
                I can vouch for Aaron, very good player


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                  slightly off topic but I wouldn't sell my maximus ultimate for that either. Its an absolute belter of a cue and to be honest these cues for me are the best on the market right now, no competition.
                  Yes i like them - nice cues - don't take me wrong I was being tongue in cheek - the one I tried had quite good ash - quite firm - Russian ash maybe?
                  I am not really into the glossy finish the cue had on the butt I much prefer the more natural finish however and I don't really want to get into the debate of who is best or better cue maker and all that nonsense - its all subjective and I am pleased you have something you are happy with - its a lovely feeling and of course if you love snooker as many of us on here undoubtedly do and you find a cue you like and suits your game - then you are right - it is priceless to that person but that goes for whoever makes it actually - sorry if I offended you. just my humour - forgive me
                  Last edited by Byrom; 21 August 2014, 12:26 AM.


                  • #24
                    Splices not too far out.... Reply from owner.

                    I too found the original post somewhat strange.this very specific number of century breaks.also the inferance that because of it that makes the cue itself special.I sat here and tried to remember how many cues I have played with over my life and gave up it must have been at least fourty.I also stopped counting tons when it became obvious they were not that special.I had one friend I hope he doesn't mind me saying but he turned pro for two years but failed to make it and his dad recorded every ton he made,he had his own snooker club but his dad stopped at a he saying that because of the amount of tons he has made the cue is special or he is special?.I found the post was an attempt to justify the price and bull the cue up.


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by guernseygooner View Post
                      I can vouch for Aaron, very good player
                      nobody said , He's not !!
                      390 centurys ??? that's more than what Neil Robertson (No 1 of the world ) made !!!. (He has som about 230/234 ??)
                      agree 100 percent !!!!! . he should be a good player !!!


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by Ramon View Post

                        nobody said , He's not !!
                        390 centurys ??? that's more than what Neil Robertson (No 1 of the world ) made !!!. (He has som about 230/234 ??)
                        agree 100 percent !!!!! . he should be a good player !!!
                        No doubt Neil has made 1000's of century breaks in practise. He's only made 367 centuries in competitive play.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by golferson123 View Post
                          I too found the original post somewhat strange.this very specific number of century breaks.also the inferance that because of it that makes the cue itself special.I sat here and tried to remember how many cues I have played with over my life and gave up it must have been at least fourty.I also stopped counting tons when it became obvious they were not that special.I had one friend I hope he doesn't mind me saying but he turned pro for two years but failed to make it and his dad recorded every ton he made,he had his own snooker club but his dad stopped at a he saying that because of the amount of tons he has made the cue is special or he is special?.I found the post was an attempt to justify the price and bull the cue up.
                          +10 to that !!!!
                          they asked S Hendry: How many century's have you made?
                          He said : I realy do'nt know. Ask me how many frams did I lost !!!!!!


                          • #28
                            It's just me but I personally wouldn't ever pay silly money for a playing cue as IMHO only I don't think you have to as there are many great playing cues for around £300.
                            I think an individual is an individual relevant of what shaft is on his cue as there's a sure bet that easy blue I pot in the middle is still going to pot wether I'm using a JP ultimate or a Travis cue.
                            I think it's defiantly a status thing especially amongst very average players at club level, I must stress though it's totally upto the person if he buys an ultimate as it's their money after all.


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by Ramon View Post

                              nobody said , He's not !!
                              390 centurys ??? that's more than what Neil Robertson (No 1 of the world ) made !!!. (He has som about 230/234 ??)
                              agree 100 percent !!!!! . he should be a good player !!!
                              It must be a language thing then plus the fact you have to use so many exclamation points on every post you do, but you implied he was lying without even knowing him. You can't compare someone's century practice total to a pro's competition total. They will have made 1000's in practice.

                              It might be a bit anal that he knows the exact number but that is Aaron. He is an amateur that sometimes puts in a pro's amount of practice. I have a mate that makes a couple a week. With dedication he could probably have turned pro but he wouldn't have been good enough to break into the top 64 and make any money. I myself used to on average make 1 a week back in the day or do you think I too am talking out my f ass as you put it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                                Very odd post Ramon ???
                                Why don't you believe him, ?? many top amateurs get century breaks every week, i know one who has had a dozen 147's but still not good enough/had the chance to be a pro
                                Absolutely this. I myself have probably made near 200 centuries in proper frames against players and probably well over 1000 in practice in line ups or scattering the reds. I know of at least 3 players in my league alone who have had around 4-500 centuries in competitive frames, should they all be pro too?

                                Thing is what seperates the pros and very good amatuers is 2 things. One the determination or opportunity to turn pro, most never have the chance, secondly a lot of people know they wouldn't make a good enough living from the game compared to the job or career they have, I fall in the second category. I have played against a few players on the MT down the years and reckon I can give any of them a good game, despite the fact I play 1/10th the amount they do in a week on average.

                                If I'd have had the opportunity when I was in my teen years to dedicate myself to the game I'd be a pro now, I'm certain of it. Just because the vast majority on this forum are just poor/average club players doesn't mean everyone on here is the same standard.

