Originally Posted by Ramon
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If you are in it for the love of making a great product , having the knowledge you made the cue a top pro is using should be enough to give you pride in your accomplishment. If you crave the publicity ,and even worse crave the publicity of a non story( cue maker doesn't make a cue) then you are not making them for the love of making the best product you can.
As for you changing a tip for your friend , if he did ask you not to tell any one ,you have two choices ,do it and keep quiet as that's what he asked you to do, ( and why wouldn't you do it ,he's your friend)or don't do it, both points are fair enough, but if you chose the second what type of friend would you be if you went around telling everyone what he asked you , how do you think that would make him feel, do you think he would think of you as a friend, or someone who bitched about him because he asked for a certain favour from you. I would also say if you can't do your friend a favour without needing to take public credit for it , that shows a fault in you not in him.