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Ash or Maple?

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  • Ash or Maple?

    I found this information online and thought I would share it.

    Species Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
    Maple 12,600
    Ash 12,000
    Specific Gravity
    Maple .63
    Ash .60
    Compressive strength parallel to the grain (KPa)
    Maple 35,700
    Ash 30,900

    Modulus of Elasticity, is an engineering term that basically tells you how stiff a material is (specifically, it is the ratio of stress per unit strain fyi).

    So basically, Maple is a bit stiffer than Ash (but not much).

    Specific gravity denotes the density of a material relative to water (which is 1.0 fyi). So Maple is a bit denser than Ash (but not much).

    The compressive strength parallel to the grain can give you an idea of the dent or ding resistance of a material. Again, Maple is a bit better in this regard.

    Actually, the two woods are quite similar in most of the "important" ways, with respect to mechanical properties.

    So why one over the other?

    Availability might be one issue. Maple is a very common wood in Eastern Canada and the North Eastern USA, so it is relatively easy to obtain good quality wood (although it's getting harder and harder to find top quality shaft wood!).

    But I think that the main reason why we see Maple in North America, and Ash in England is tradition.

    Maple is the traditional wood for pool cues over here. We see no benefit in using Ash.

    While Ash is the traditional wood used for English Snooker cues. You see a lot of ash cues, so that's what players ask for.

    Note that Stephen Hendry, Terry Griffiths, and Cliff Thorburn, have all won World Snooker Championships using a Maple cue.
    So I don't think that Ash has any performance edge over maple when used in a snooker cue.

    The two woods do make a bit of a different sound when you hit the ball though. I find Maple a bit quieter than ash. It absorbs the hit a bit more (likely due to the extra density). I don't think that this really affects the playability, but when you are familiar with the hit of one, it is hard to get used to the other.

    Technically, Ash will have a slightly higher "dynamic stiffness" than Maple. This means that once set into motion by an off-center hit, the ash shaft would vibrate at a slightly higher frequency, and damp out the vibration a little bit faster, than a Maple shaft of similar dimensions.

    While this will not affect the path of the cue ball, it could affect the feedback a player gets from the hit. Thus, again, you might prefer one over the other.

    Also, since ash is a little bit less dense than maple, an ash shaft of identical dimensions to a maple shaft, could have a bit less squirt.

    This may, or may not be significant (the difference is likely minor).

    Finally, some top players have told me that they prefer to sight down an ash shaft (Snooker pros, not pool) because the "feathers" (the triangular, chevron shaped grain lines typical of an english ash snooker shaft) actually give them an aim reference.

    I'm skeptical of this explanation, as I feel that your eyes are on the object ball, so of what use are these lines? But they seem to prefer them for this reason.

    Some of the other players, that prefer Maple shafts, like them for the exact opposite reason. That is, they like the clean unobstructed look of a Maple shaft, with no visible grain lines.

    I think it's all in what you get used to myself.

    Me?, I've got both ash and maple snooker cues. Currently, I am playing with a 17.25 ounce ash/ebony "3/4" cue.

    So there you go.
    “Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that, though full of a thousand reasons for weariness, the least thing, such as playing billiards or hitting a ball, is sufficient enough to amuse him.” Mr. Blaise Pascal

  • #2
    Excellent post, thank you.


    • #3
      Good to know. Thanks.
      The bitter taste of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


      • #4
        I got to 'Species Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)' then gave up, thanks anyway


        • #5
          I also have both ash and maple shafted cues of the same dimensions but prefer the ash one as I've had that for thirty years. I don't look at the shaft, I look at the object ball, but when addressing the tip to the cue ball I find no difference in the two woods, I'm looking at the tip not the shaft.
          The actual hit is relatively the same to me but as I'm not a top player any difference is not noticeable as I regularly miss with both.


          • #6
            I haven't really noticed any difference either now that I have put in about 10 hours with the ash snooker cue. The only real difference I can tell is on harder shots the ash wood sounds different. But that could just be the tip or a million other different things besides the wood. I just thought I would post this because I was curious of their differences and thought others might be curious as well.
            “Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that, though full of a thousand reasons for weariness, the least thing, such as playing billiards or hitting a ball, is sufficient enough to amuse him.” Mr. Blaise Pascal


            • #7
              Nice post ,thanks, I am going to have a punt on a maple cue, I quite like the idea of no arrows .
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • #8
                I Did post The same info last year !! But this one is complete , thanks. Is a Nice info to know !! I think if you play with good quality Maple, you notice the difference , imo !!!!


                • #9
                  Has anyone experienced MORE deflection with ash shafts? (contrary to the OP info.) What about with brass ferrule as opposed to fibre?
                  Another interesting fact about the woods, I've been told, is that a maple shafts that have warped slightly can't be straightened whereas ash can. Can anyone confirm this?

