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James Butters cues

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by bigandyg View Post
    Doubt it but if you fancy something he has get him to send it to me and I could shorten it and fit bigger ferrule for very little, I often do that and refinish his cues.
    does butters cut his own shafts andy?


    • #62
      Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
      Is it common for these cues to hit around the three hundred pound Mark with still a long time to go on the auction?
      They never get chance too


      • #63
        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        They never get chance too
        Ha! Fair point and that's why I retracted my statement.
        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


        • #64
          Originally Posted by bigandyg View Post
          Doubt it but if you fancy something he has get him to send it to me and I could shorten it and fit bigger ferrule for very little, I often do that and refinish his cues.
          I must admit the finish on the cue I bought off him needed a bit of extra work, not much, just an extra rub down with 0000 wire wool and a couple more coats of oil. As a bit of a tinkerer I saw this as a bonus as I could get exactly the finish I wanted. I get the impression he just can't be arsed dealing with moaners and blaggers, and sells the cues at a price that keeps his hobby financially viable, and you have to give him credit for that.
          No one is listening until you make a mistake!


          • #65
            Again spot on as any I get from him I like to finish to the way I do it and as you say he can not be bothered with the moaners etc. He does some shafts from inch and a half squares I gave him and also buys blank shafts from other makers like Craftsman etc.


            • #66
              Originally Posted by rdsalt View Post
              Congratulations, I have only contacted him a few times but he has always replied quickly and straight to the point, one things for certain nobody could call him greedy as he looks for very fair prices for his cues and doesn't seem to be making the cues for financial gain but because he enjoys it. Would be interesting to see a picture of the full cue.
              Yes will do, but need.some times for shipment, quite a long way to go.


              • #67
                Hi gentlemen, the cue arrived yesterday. Not the best looking shaft but good quality for the money I paid, and I'm happy with it.


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by dan226 View Post
                  Hi gentlemen, the cue arrived yesterday. Not the best looking shaft but good quality for the money I paid, and I'm happy with it.

                  That's a beautiful cue mate. I have always been fond of snake wood and that's some pretty nice looking snake wood. The shaft looks likes its pretty good quality just not many arrows on the shaft, but that doesn't mean it isn't as good as one that does. More personal preference really.
                  “Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that, though full of a thousand reasons for weariness, the least thing, such as playing billiards or hitting a ball, is sufficient enough to amuse him.” Mr. Blaise Pascal


                  • #69
                    Agree above post, it's the cue and how it plays who gives a toss what the shaft looks like, if everyone wanted the perfect arrow shafts we would all being playing with a £100 Dunns cue.


                    • #70
                      I'm wondering is the shaft used an AAA or?

                      Apparently all these grading system are only seen on Thai cues.


                      • #71
                        Originally Posted by x3dnd3x View Post
                        I'm wondering is the shaft used an AAA or?

                        Apparently all these grading system are only seen on Thai cues.
                        thai or Chinese


                        • #72
                          I'm not sure on Chinese. But if you see most Thai cue makers, they have different names for different grades like A, AA & AAA.


                          • #73
                            Originally Posted by x3dnd3x View Post
                            I'm not sure on Chinese. But if you see most Thai cue makers, they have different names for different grades like A, AA & AAA.
                            Grading is by makers interpretation meaning any shaft can be called AAA or whatever anyone likes...


                            • #74
                              I contacted James Butters on eBay in January and asked if he had what I was looking for, he did, we agreed a price and I couldn't fault the man. The cue was really nicely made, one of his badged ones, but I found the front of the cue would quite often lift as I played a shot. It was only 0.2oz lighter than the cue I'd been playing with but I struggled to get along with it. It'd probably someone else just fine but just not me.


                              • #75
                                Originally Posted by drumcue View Post
                                I contacted James Butters on eBay in January and asked if he had what I was looking for, he did, we agreed a price and I couldn't fault the man. The cue was really nicely made, one of his badged ones, but I found the front of the cue would quite often lift as I played a shot. It was only 0.2oz lighter than the cue I'd been playing with but I struggled to get along with it. It'd probably someone else just fine but just not me.
                                Sounds like the balance point was farther back on the butters, than your previous cue. .

