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cue finishing

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  • #46
    Stop it you naughty boy lol


    • #47
      What is the point of posting on here then? In answer to the suggestion that it would be a quiet forum without ragging is! I've been involved in coaching threads, and threads about cues, and essentially received nothing but snark, rudeness, and indifference.

      Great, you can all go around in little circles, telling yourself how great you are, and laughing at each others jokes. Brilliant. Hope you are all happy. To me, you are no use, you've made me feel way less than welcome, and I wouldn't **** on you if you were on fire.

      The reason this place is like a self congratulatory morgue, is because that's how the members make it. Good luck with that. As has been said, there are more authoratitive sources on the web. I thought i'd ask and get involvedhere, because I imagine there might be some splendid like minded helpful chaps with a shared interest....err, no.

      Wikipedia here I come.


      • #48
        Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
        What is the point of posting on here then? In answer to the suggestion that it would be a quiet forum without ragging is! I've been involved in coaching threads, and threads about cues, and essentially received nothing but snark, rudeness, and indifference.

        Great, you can all go around in little circles, telling yourself how great you are, and laughing at each others jokes. Brilliant. Hope you are all happy. To me, you are no use, you've made me feel way less than welcome, and I wouldn't **** on you if you were on fire.

        The reason this place is like a self congratulatory morgue, is because that's how the members make it. Good luck with that. As has been said, there are more authoratitive sources on the web. I thought i'd ask and get involvedhere, because I imagine there might be some splendid like minded helpful chaps with a shared interest....err, no.

        Wikipedia here I come.
        I hear ya fella. I hear ya. Tbf to Trevs, he does come on and offer advice though he's now MB obsessed like many; can't blame him now he's confused about cue making. There's a fair bit of banter and sometimes it does go too far and get personal, that's uncalled for. And folk are welcomed in the newbies section then cheesed off by 'you don't know as much as we do, who are you?'. It's very cliquey which is a downfall. But hey, we can converse with respect, so stick around and show em how it's done mate. Don't put up with it, change it. There are many good folk on here as well, who are respectful and full of info. Concentrate on them.

        Just for you, your name and your frustration -

        Last edited by Master Blaster; 10 June 2015, 10:56 AM.


        • #49
          Don't take life so seriously tetricky - its just a forum with banter and nonsense and quality advice and some not so - shuffle through the bits you like and respond ignore the bits you don't.

          swearing at people and getting angry is pointless - people often take on a different more aggressive persona or argumentative persona on the keyboard than they would in person so calm down or you'll just end up leaving or getting banned. The forum is fun you can buy some good cues and snooker related stuff from many respected sellers and cue makers and learn many things both useful and pointless whilst getting to know the plenty of good people on here who chat and argue and have the harmless banter.

          Whatever you decide stay happy


          • #50
            I don't take life seriously,and certainly not this. I just say it how I see it. I'm glad it serves the membership well, and hope it continues. For me if I'm told something is nonsense, or rubbish, and there is no reason or explanation given, I consider that rude and unhelpful. Why bother taking the time to denigrate something, or somebody, but not take the time to move the argument forward constructively?

            You think my language, attitude, and demeanour is pointless? Hello pot!

            I won't bother trying to contribute here any more. You have all taught the lesson well. Not because I'm angry, or unreasonable,but because what works for you, doesn't work for me. I'll vote with my feet and do something that suits me better....but part of who I am is that I will say what and why as I go.


            • #51
              I've had loads of bust ups with members on this forum but hold no grudges because forums there's bound to be disagreements on a daily basis but I wasn't going to spit my dummy out and say that's it I'm off.


              • #52
                Thats terrific...but presumably you're getting more out of it than I am. I'm not spitting my dummy out. I'm telling you why I find making an active contribution here boring, unhelpful, and pointless.


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
                  Thats terrific...but presumably you're getting more out of it than I am. I'm not spitting my dummy out. I'm telling you why I find making an active contribution here boring, unhelpful, and pointless.
                  Just carry on regardless fella, like Byrom says it you don't like people posts ignore them.


                  • #54
                    That's the point. For such a relatively large, informed, expert forum, there's little of substance.


                    • #55
                      Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
                      I don't take life seriously,and certainly not this. I just say it how I see it. I'm glad it serves the membership well, and hope it continues. For me if I'm told something is nonsense, or rubbish, and there is no reason or explanation given, I consider that rude and unhelpful. Why bother taking the time to denigrate something, or somebody, but not take the time to move the argument forward constructively?

                      You think my language, attitude, and demeanour is pointless? Hello pot!

                      I won't bother trying to contribute here any more. You have all taught the lesson well. Not because I'm angry, or unreasonable,but because what works for you, doesn't work for me. I'll vote with my feet and do something that suits me better....but part of who I am is that I will say what and why as I go.
                      Stick around and invite more like yourself along, that's what we need, then the forum will stop being a drunk brawl in a downturn bar.


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
                        Advice.???..... no one asked me for any advice. Is it my job to provide advice here.?.......Good luck oiling your cue by the way.
                        No it's not. It's nobodies job to be anything that they don't want to be. I don't hold you to a higher standard, nor ascribe you special powers. I merely observe, as a recent joiner with the best of intentions, that more more effort appears to be going into mocking and dismissing people, than actual constructive advice.

                        If the good luck is well meant, I appreciate it. Through some sort of trial and error, or luck, I appear to be making the sort of progress with the cues that I want to. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, but they appear to be shaping up how I want them, which was my objective.

                        When they're done I'll post them in the "Post pictures of your cue" thread, and I wont ask any more dumb questions (ie one that I might actually want answered) here.


                        • #57
                          Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
                          That's the point. For such a relatively large, informed, expert forum, there's little of substance.
                          No-one claims the forum is what you say - but if you where to read through some of the past threads and do some research first - you will find some substance I am sure.


                          • #58
                            Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
                            No it's not. It's nobodies job to be anything that they don't want to be. I don't hold you to a higher standard, nor ascribe you special powers. I merely observe, as a recent joiner with the best of intentions, that more more effort appears to be going into mocking and dismissing people, than actual constructive advice.

                            If the good luck is well meant, I appreciate it. Through some sort of trial and error, or luck, I appear to be making the sort of progress with the cues that I want to. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, but they appear to be shaping up how I want them, which was my objective.

                            When they're done I'll post them in the "Post pictures of your cue" thread, and I wont ask any more dumb questions (ie one that I might actually want answered) here.
                            CUES?! YOU'RE making cues??!

                            Why didn't you say. Ok, so are you making them from

                            1. Kiln
                            2. Angel
                            3. Air-dried timeless?
                            Last edited by Master Blaster; 10 June 2015, 12:05 PM.


                            • #59
                              No. I'm finishing a pair of (what I consider) nice Butters cues. In fairness they didn't start off anything like badly it's a re-finsh, more to my taste.


                              • #60
                                Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
                                That's the point. For such a relatively large, informed, expert forum, there's little of substance.

                                Yes, sadly this is absolutely true, and Master Blaster has done a lot to make it that way (not that it was amazingly engaging before)

                                Do yourself a favour and read some of his posts in the cues section, and make up your own mind. I'm not guiding you one iota. Then do the same for some of my posts, and see what you make of them too. Please, don't make any judgements based on the crap I've written relating to Master.B, that's just me taking the pi55 and being mind numbingly bored.

                                You sound like the sort of person that's needed here. There is little in the way of genuinely engaging conversation and debate, just snidey derogatory comments and insults flung this way and that and partisan rubbish stated as facts. it's this which is disappointing, as if it's read by unsuspecting folks, it might be taken as worthy information, when it's not.

                                Anyway, I'm going to finish my tea and get back to it.

