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  • #91
    Originally Posted by Master Blaster View Post
    12.5% (1/8th). Three cue towels which will usually retail at £20 each I should say. Made from the finest and softest cotton.

    Hmmm, let me go to the back of the room to consider - ( Dragons Den style ).


    • #92
      Originally Posted by mikeyd100 View Post
      Ahhh, the Keyser Soze of the Cue World - ( Need to watch that movie again soon ).
      Well it looks like a lot of folk got skanked, sh*t happens in business I guess but its still very shoddy, especially a rated / well known name like that.
      hahahahaha,, well, this one is good !!
      to be honest , Keyser Soze was a bit more than that !!! but thr re a lot of strange stuff going thr with aurora !!
      Is true. they have a lot of experience in this matter!!
      Not saying I do'nt belive MB . Maybe he's right and maybe not !!
      But the fact is : each wood has its own character and playblty !! and no way in the world you can change that!!
      you may not believe this , but I have seen cue's from Ebay ( cost 60 p ) with much better playblty compared to a TW cue or JPU !!
      The top and experienced cue makers can based on their experience and ( also history of the wood ) ,look at the wood and judge approximately how this wood is gonna play .... but there is no cue maker in the world who can Judge that for 100 percent!! the only way to know is, playing with that cue.
      ask this to all the top cue makers in the world, like MW,, TW,, Richy,, Rymond or even JP. I'm sure you'll get the same answer!!
      anyway,,, I do wish MB goodluck with his bussines and looking forward to see how this cues gonna play !!
      Last edited by Ramon; 23 June 2015, 12:38 AM.


      • #93
        well I will put in the opening bid for one at £20!


        • #94
          45 ,,,


          • #95
            MB, in all honesty i think there may be a market for a UK made, hand built, aged wood top quality cue. Along the lines of the ye olde ash first edition cues. The addition of MOP inlays and previous stones im far less keen on, but maybe thats just me. IMO an absolute top quality old wood and certified old wood cue made up of a nice ash shaft and plain elegant ebony butt would be more appealing.
            Just MO of course.


            • #96
              yeah good point above I think - Lots of people knocking MB in jest this thread and yet there is a valid point to be had about the wood used. How many people ordering cues actually ask or care about the quality of ash aside from the aesthetics of wanting a certain number of arrows evenly spaced which everyone wants.

              As for the cue I not really bothered about the fancy bits over the actual ash used and the hit although to have both would be good - I remember the ye olde ash too B and Watts used some good stuff even later on in the Eurika n BW champions on occasion too - If you like ash or have a interest in wood like our Mr MB it should be noted it is very rare to find what you like and the quality will always vary because you are dealing with a natural product and it cant remain consistent - which is why many players search for the right stick with a certain feel for years.

              This is just my opinion on ash - apart from the odd BW Champ or a Ye old ash and Eureka moment - if you lucky enough to find a playable one that someone will sell for less than a cost of a house. My personal favourite ash was used around the mid 90's and early naughties - there was a number of cues made that had a darker grey colour to it and a slight funny mustard yellow patina - John Parris used this ash in all ranges of his cues in this period. I don't think his quality of ash has been bettered since although his top of range is still good today obviously. Others though have perhaps caught him up and surpassed him now certainly in terms of workmanship - splicings and choices of exotic woods.

              As for Our Mr MB and his cue - my Mrs wants to order one - she likes her bling. So I would have the full shaabang mother of pearl - jewels - why not - stick some lights in it too lets have a party.


              • #97
                Andy Hunter is always singing the praises of older cues that use English ash.

                Is this a different species than American Ash, or is it just down to different growing climates ?

                My old Walter Donaldson cue makes TW one look very white, by comparison. .

                Last edited by billabong; 23 June 2015, 08:38 AM.


                • #98
                  Yeah true re Aurora, from the few things I've read there's some underhand things going / gone on.
                  I dont like to see the average man on the street being taken for a ride, most people have had to work hard for their money and things like these are deemed as a luxury.

                  Yep there's some differing opinions on here for sure regards woods etc lol.
                  A good cue for one person will be like a cricket bat for another.


                  • #99
                    Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                    well I will put in the opening bid for one at £20!
                    Well i'm negotiating a discount with MB so I'm raising the bid to £55.99...


                    • Originally Posted by billabong View Post
                      Andy Hunter is always singing the praises of older cues that use English ash.

                      Is this a different species than American Ash, or is it just down to different growing climates ?

                      That is a good question - I don't know who Andy Hunter is but have heard he is an avid cue collector and expert who makes the occasional cue himself. You are better asking him that question he would be more informed than I.

                      At a guess I would have thought it was both and the climate question - it probably helps to be have even climate seasons in terms of growth - This guy Mr Hunter perhaps have similar taste - I did get told most English cue makers don't use it much any more as its harder to source the right quality they like to use and I think the stock was affected by ash dieback?

                      That's a very nice looking TW by the way black ebony with the flame maple splices? did you by that off Jim Evens?
                      Last edited by Byrom; 23 June 2015, 09:05 AM.


                      • Bill , the Ash tree family ( Fraxinus ) has over 50 different species . American White Ash is Fraxinus Americana and the European Ash is Fraxinus Excelsior , so yes there is a difference , same family , different tree . They will have differences in specific density , colour etc but grain patterns , elasticity and commercial use remain similar . Both American and European Ash is often used in tool handles because of its durability , resistance to impact and elasticity , which is why its good for cues . Hope this helps.


                        • I have a cue made from one of the timbers from the Mary Rose, have to keep it submerged in the bath until match night or it will dry out and crumble if exposed to the air for a long period

                          Going back to the classic Monty Python burn the witch scene, was that MB shouting " make a cue out of her. " :witless:

                          You can fool some of the people all of the time etc etc.

                          In the meantime I have just bought a bandsaw, work bench, belt/disc sander and a lathe; soon be up and running but won't be telling any porkies, won't be rebadging any Thai shafts, won't be taking any bespoke orders either. Just going to make some cues and sell them to those who like them. No bullsh1t required.
                          Last edited by vmax4steve; 23 June 2015, 09:40 AM.


                          • "I have a cue made from one of the timbers from the Mary Rose, have to keep it submerged in the bath until match night or it will dry out and crumble if exposed to the air for a long period"

                            That did make me chuckle


                            • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                              I have a cue made from one of the timbers from the Mary Rose, have to keep it submerged in the bath until match night or it will dry out and crumble if exposed to the air for a long period

                              Going back to the classic Monty Python burn the witch scene, was that MB shouting " make a cue out of her. " :witless:

                              You can fool some of the people all of the time etc etc.

                              In the meantime I have just bought a bandsaw, work bench, belt/disc sander and a lathe; soon be up and running but won't be telling any porkies, won't be rebadging any Thai shafts, won't be taking any bespoke orders either. Just going to make some cues and sell them to those who like them. No bullsh1t required.
                              Spent a bit of money there buddy - nice turning a passion and a hobby into a few pounds for you cue sellers and makers - I hope it works out for you.
                              Bespoke a one piece at 58 and a half 9.5 and 18.3 oz then with your very best shaft cheers
                              Last edited by Byrom; 23 June 2015, 12:09 PM.


                              • Pretty cool that people make their own cues or at least have a go.
                                I reckon everyone who loves the game should try it at least once.... I'd love to give it a go one day.

