Originally Posted by mikeyd100
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most of the shaft wood comes from the same area anyway !!
It's not all about the shaft. or crs, playability of the shaft is important!! but the question is, who is the cue maker and what he's gonna do with that shaft. How the cue is balanced/taper/distribution of weight/are all important and does play a major role in how the cue plays.
Although, in my opinion thai shafts have a better playability!! ( in general speaking ). most of the thai cues i have seen , are responsif !!
Perhaps, due to the climate difference?? I do'nt know!!
personally if I buy a cue from a cue maker ( likes Mike W ), I ask nothing!! because I can trust him!!
I am sure that Mike does'nt import any shafts!! even if he does, that does'nt effect playability of his cues!! so, that does'nt matter to me !! ( but that's just me, lol ).