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Snooker Cue Brands - buying a cue

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  • Snooker Cue Brands - buying a cue

    Hi people,

    I need your help.

    I start to play snooker about 6 months ago. I'm a pool player that want to dedicate more to snooker. At this time I make regular breaks of 20 or 30 points, and I use one Adam from Buffallo. Is a weak cue so I need your opinion on the next brands (I want to pay at most 250£):

    - Peradon
    - Master Cues
    - Accurate
    - Other brands (I know Wooldridge and Jonh Parris but are above what I can pay)

    What other brands (about the price I tell you before) you know are good? And if possible I will be very thankful that you give me help.


  • #2
    hi welcome, what kind of cue you looking for? like size, tip size, weight?


    • #3
      Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
      hi welcome, what kind of cue you looking for? like size, tip size, weight?

      I'm a 5,80 ft man. I think the size with 58/59'' is enough.
      Tip size - 9,5mm
      Weight - 19 oz

      Do you think I can find nice cues with mini butt and extension until this price?




      • #4
        okay rui, well you'll have no problem finding a cue with mini butt for 250
        good luck


        • #5
          Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
          okay rui, well you'll have no problem finding a cue with mini butt for 250
          good luck
          Can you help find it? Do you know some store online or in UK that can send it for Portugal?

          Related to brands, what brands do you know are good until that price?




          • #6
            iv just started making cues myself so, im not too sure about where to look.
            there are others here who may help you


            • #7
              definitely not an acuerate. email me


              • #8

                Ok...thank you for all your help.

                If someone can help me, saying cue brands, trusted sites where I can buy cues securely I will be very thankful.



                • #9
                  Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                  definitely not an acuerate. email me

                  I have already sent you one email.Thanks for your help


                  • #10
                    All the Thai makers will make you a cue for that budget, I rekon all are good( although others will know more than me) I have an omin and a Ton Praram, both excellent players and both the low end cues, less than half of your budget, but there are many other cue makers, Mastercraft could make you one for less than that( I don't know what your postage or customs is like and if that has to be included in the price) not quite sure if Andy Travis is in that range any more, he used to be but nor seen his cues for a while. You could easily get a Butters cue probably a badged one, can't think of any more just now.
                    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                      All the Thai makers will make you a cue for that budget, I rekon all are good( although others will know more than me) I have an omin and a Ton Praram, both excellent players and both the low end cues, less than half of your budget, but there are many other cue makers, Mastercraft could make you one for less than that( I don't know what your postage or customs is like and if that has to be included in the price) not quite sure if Andy Travis is in that range any more, he used to be but nor seen his cues for a while. You could easily get a Butters cue probably a badged one, can't think of any more just now.
                      yeah, many top cue makers at the time !! which make it difficult to choose .

