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8 ball cue wanted, got one for sale?

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  • 8 ball cue wanted, got one for sale?

    I have been thinking of altering a snooker cue that I have to pool specs. But I am undecided, I may be interested in just buying a new cue and covering the cost by selling the snooker cue. All depends on what is on offer

    Specs I would like are

    Ash 1 piece
    8mm tip

    Something close to this would be lovely!
    If you have anything let me know

  • #2
    I tapered one down from over 10mm to 8.9mm, lifted a splice and added some weight, an ounce I think. So it's 18oz now, and more of a pool size tip and a slimmer taper. Worst thing I ever did to a cue, not the reweight, the taper. Doesn't play as nicely though it does generate more spin than before and is more balanced. Pleasure wise, not the same cue. I got the cue for free but I wish I'd given it to someone who would have used it for what it was built for, snooker.

    Decent 8-ball pool cues can be had for around £80 and I wish I'd gone that route instead. Still, the converted cue does play well and I understand it better now. Have a look on John Parrot Cue Sports.


    • #3
      I tapered one down from over 10mm to 8.9mm, lifted a splice and added some weight, an ounce I think. Got the cue for free so it cost me nowt. So it's 18oz now, and more of a pool size tip and a slimmer taper. Worst thing I ever did to a cue, not the reweight, the taper. Doesn't play as nicely though it does generate more spin than before and is more balanced. Pleasure wise, not the same cue. I wish I'd given it to someone who would have used it for what it was built for, snooker.

      Decent 8-ball pool cues can be had for around £80 and I wish I'd gone that route instead. Still, the converted cue does play well and I understand it better now and can adapt to it from my snooker cue quickly. Have a look on John Parrot Cue Sports.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by barrywhite View Post
        I tapered one down from over 10mm to 8.9mm, lifted a splice and added some weight, an ounce I think. Got the cue for free so it cost me nowt. So it's 18oz now, and more of a pool size tip and a slimmer taper. Worst thing I ever did to a cue, not the reweight, the taper. Doesn't play as nicely though it does generate more spin than before and is more balanced. Pleasure wise, not the same cue. I wish I'd given it to someone who would have used it for what it was built for, snooker.

        Decent 8-ball pool cues can be had for around £80 and I wish I'd gone that route instead. Still, the converted cue does play well and I understand it better now and can adapt to it from my snooker cue quickly. Have a look on John Parrot Cue Sports.
        I do have a pool cue aswell, it is a little short but I don't really want to lengthen it, the snooker cue I do not use, I play snooker with the pool cue, the cue feeling different isn't an issue because I haven't ever really used it, I don't want a cheap cue from an online store, I want a cue from a good cue maker that I would use for the rest of my life


        • #5
          I have an 8.5 Paris ambassador with a whippy shaft. It really can generate a lot of spin. I actually now prefer my snooker cue for pool. I'm trying to work myself up to sell the Paris but it's an old red glue one that I have an emotional attachment to. Probably never going to play it again though.

          I don't play pool well enough to worry about really creative shots.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
            I have an 8.5 Paris ambassador with a whippy shaft. It really can generate a lot of spin. I actually now prefer my snooker cue for pool. I'm trying to work myself up to sell the Paris but it's an old red glue one that I have an emotional attachment to. Probably never going to play it again though.

            I don't play pool well enough to worry about really creative shots.
            I'm in a similar boat, the cue I might alter is also a parris, people have said to me about resale value etc, but I too am quite attached to it despite never really playing with it, I put it up for sale once and I was so glad it didn't sell!


            • #7
              What size is the tip on your snooker cue. There is no problem playing 8 ball with anything up to 9.5 mm. Granted a smaller tip creates more spin but its rarely needed if you can track a ball properly!!. It can be very difficult to consistently judge the amount of spin generated with the smaller tips and i believe there not worth the hassle. Its better to be able the judge the spin applied for 99% of shots and be lacking for the 1% that need that extra spin.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by sfmcar View Post
                What size is the tip on your snooker cue. There is no problem playing 8 ball with anything up to 9.5 mm. Granted a smaller tip creates more spin but its rarely needed if you can track a ball properly!!. It can be very difficult to consistently judge the amount of spin generated with the smaller tips and i believe there not worth the hassle. Its better to be able the judge the spin applied for 99% of shots and be lacking for the 1% that need that extra spin.
                I think it's around 9.5 might be more, anything that size just feels like a broom handle, using a smaller tip for me helps with accuracy, not so much for the spin, that's not a problem, I like to use the tip like the sight on a gun, picking out a specific spot on the object ball where I want the White to strike, whereas with a larger tip I feel like i am just aiming for a general area which I do not like


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by sfmcar View Post
                  What size is the tip on your snooker cue. There is no problem playing 8 ball with anything up to 9.5 mm. Granted a smaller tip creates more spin but its rarely needed if you can track a ball properly!!. It can be very difficult to consistently judge the amount of spin generated with the smaller tips and i believe there not worth the hassle. Its better to be able the judge the spin applied for 99% of shots and be lacking for the 1% that need that extra spin.
                  There are a couple of good players who use 9+ but I think in general it can limit the game to your average good player. I personally use 8.75mm and feel this offers the best compromise between potting and control.


                  • #10
                    message renzie on here - renzie67 i think his id is - he will have something.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by aucott80 View Post
                      There are a couple of good players who use 9+ but I think in general it can limit the game to your average good player. I personally use 8.75mm and feel this offers the best compromise between potting and control.
                      A couple?? There a lots of good players using tips above 9mm just as there is lots of poor players using below 9 who would be better off with a larger tip


                      • #12
                        8 ball cue wanted, got one for sale?

                        Lol my point was it's less common. I'm only basing on what I know which is from playing with people from my club and from what I've read and watched via the various tournaments.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by aucott80 View Post
                          Lol my point was it's less common. I'm only basing on what I know which is from playing with people from my club and from what I've read and watched via the various tournaments.
                          The vast majority of people I see at clubs do just use snooker cues, if it works for them, great, but for me it's no good, I have heard of a 6.5mm tip, now that is taking the Michael a little bit


                          • #14
                            8 ball cue wanted, got one for sale?

                            Yep extreme lol I've used from 7.5 - 9.25mm. It took me a long time to realise 8mm was personally too small and my game improved significantly.


                            • #15
                              I have quite a few 8mm 8.5mm cues for sale

