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Cue help

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  • Cue help

    Looking for some advice i have only ever played with the rack cues at clubs but want to get my own one but is there any advantage or is it better to have 1 piece , 2 piece, 3/4 jointed could any one explain the pros and cons out of the 3 cheers

  • #2
    I don't think there is any pros or cons in terms of playability if the cue is made well.

    It's mainly for convenience. Not everyone wants to walk around with a 1 piece cue.

    They do feel different in terms of striking the ball but I think that's more a matter of preference rather than 1 being better than the other.


    • #3
      Right so was reading the most popular is a 3/4 cue so many choices out there


      • #4
        Cue help

        3/4 seem to be most convenient. yet years ago 2 piece were in vogue ( Taylor, Thorburn, stevens) and even easier to carry around. yet there was a perception of the centre joint being an irritation on the chin, noticed this again watching ros using a center (yank!) jointed pool cue. probably not an issue for a one off tv doc but for living with it possibly so ....probably a fashion thing as much as practicality.
        never noticed the difference between the hit of one piece v jointed but then again I'm rubbish. ...bit like perhaps forged v cast golf clubs it's a perception based on urban myth and long held beliefs etc as feel is often more in sound and touch which might be more a factor of the tip than any joint in the cue
        both players in today's grand prix final are using jointed cues fwiw. at their level of play if a one piece was so superior then they'd be using one I guess.


        • #5
          Well all my cues are 1piece and just recently bought a 3/4 Trevor white cue and it is amazing it gets so much action on cue ball but a do love the look and feel of a 1pice cue
          Current playing cue Trevor White
          3/4 ash cue


          • #6
            I have only used of the rack cues so enjoying looking amd trying to find my own cue i am not going spend loads but still cant wait to have my own cue.. Any good online stores you could recomend?


            • #7
              there is no doubt that nothing is better than nicely made 1 piece cue but A well fitted Jointed cue is as good as 1 piece...But in a long run Jointed cues may be problematic like Joint gets damage or balance of cue gets out or cues get bent Also jointed cues need bit more maintenance like cleaning joints with 0000 wire wool to prevent any change in Hit or sound of Cue and also loose fitting,,,main advantage of jointed one is Very convenient to Carry but it's a nightmare to reach club with 1 piece Case other than on 4 wheel vehicle ...
              personally I prefer 1 piece..


              • #8
                So many options


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by rocketryan87 View Post
                  So many options
                  Best option have one of each
                  3/4 Craftsman's Cue Majestic Tulip 58.75, butt jointed at 16", 19 oz , 9.6mm


                  • #10
                    Whatever the cue 100% sure it is better to have your own cue because you learn how it plays.


                    • #11
                      The £25 ones you have on ebay look very good value very tempted with them


                      • #12
                        They are ok - good for £25!

