Here's a few pics of a cue I have just had done by Reg at Wright Cues....
The cue was originally a Tom Newman 1370, however it was in a really bad state of affairs, there was a 3" crack under the ferrule and the original badge was well faded and very tired, as you would expect from a cue which is almost 90 years old. I had planned for Reg to cut away the 3" crack and build the butt back up with 4 ebony splices, however once Reg had started the original glue was very weak and the splices started to come away. He rang me and said he would fully replace the butt and put me nice piece of Thuya burr on (which was the same he had used on a cue he built for Shaun Murphy). At this point I decided to replace the badge with a different one (a Newman 1274 as I like the text better) which I got from Tony Glover. I picked the cue up tonight and it is beautiful, it looks and feels like a brand new cue and I couldn't be happier.
The cue was originally a Tom Newman 1370, however it was in a really bad state of affairs, there was a 3" crack under the ferrule and the original badge was well faded and very tired, as you would expect from a cue which is almost 90 years old. I had planned for Reg to cut away the 3" crack and build the butt back up with 4 ebony splices, however once Reg had started the original glue was very weak and the splices started to come away. He rang me and said he would fully replace the butt and put me nice piece of Thuya burr on (which was the same he had used on a cue he built for Shaun Murphy). At this point I decided to replace the badge with a different one (a Newman 1274 as I like the text better) which I got from Tony Glover. I picked the cue up tonight and it is beautiful, it looks and feels like a brand new cue and I couldn't be happier.