Asking this on behalf of my club who want to start selling some cue's as part of their business.
You got some average friday night ball hitters and the odd guy who takes it more serious so I would suggest a price range of say
£50 cue for the cheap pint and pot punters
£100-150 for the more serious players.
Can I please have some suggestions on both places to buy decent cues at this price?
I know mastercue are around this price range for the decent cue's but I'm not up on who's the best bet at this kind of money.
You got some average friday night ball hitters and the odd guy who takes it more serious so I would suggest a price range of say
£50 cue for the cheap pint and pot punters
£100-150 for the more serious players.
Can I please have some suggestions on both places to buy decent cues at this price?
I know mastercue are around this price range for the decent cue's but I'm not up on who's the best bet at this kind of money.