Afternoon! I'm new to the forum, arriving here from a different direction to most I imagine. My business is the manufacturing of cricket bat clefts, from Willow. I live in Suffolk, pretty much the heartland of global Willow production.
One of the growers I work with has asked if I'd be interested in some Ash. So, before I dive in I thought I'd get some advice on the weights and dimensions that cuemakers expect for cue blanks, and anything else that would be important to look for.
Many thanks, in advance, for your help. If there are any cuemakers in Suffolk or Essex I'd be grateful for their details also.
One of the growers I work with has asked if I'd be interested in some Ash. So, before I dive in I thought I'd get some advice on the weights and dimensions that cuemakers expect for cue blanks, and anything else that would be important to look for.
Many thanks, in advance, for your help. If there are any cuemakers in Suffolk or Essex I'd be grateful for their details also.