it is always how the ball is struck - in all cases, all spin events and centre ball striking, etc.
Practise your cue delivery and use it for all shot types
Cue delivery (tedisbill - has a video been done on this yet?) = straight line delivery, positive attitude (i.e. don't hesitate on the delivery - peck shot), and follow through - cue goes "through" the cue ball.
straight delivery - the hardest for most players to perfect and be consistent with.
positive attitude - how many times do we see a delivery falter?
go through the cue ball - easiest to do, but most forgotten
the above is my opinion and I look forward to the resident coaches to chip in
Practise your cue delivery and use it for all shot types

Cue delivery (tedisbill - has a video been done on this yet?) = straight line delivery, positive attitude (i.e. don't hesitate on the delivery - peck shot), and follow through - cue goes "through" the cue ball.
straight delivery - the hardest for most players to perfect and be consistent with.
positive attitude - how many times do we see a delivery falter?

go through the cue ball - easiest to do, but most forgotten

the above is my opinion and I look forward to the resident coaches to chip in
