I'll be comlpetely honest here, i know nothing about snooker cue's like weights or lengths or what brands are good etc. I want to buy my boyfriend a snooker cue for Christmas (yes i know it's early) but want it to be a surprise. This means i won't be able to ask him what weight/length he prefers etc. I can see from other threads in this section that this kind of information is useful when buying a cue but is it really essential?
Would you recommend buying a cue without knowing anything about the recipients preferences? And if you think it's ok, can you give me some advice about what i should be looking for (good brands etc.) or even recommend some specific ones. My budget is about £50-£60 (i know i'm not going to get anything fantastic for that but that's ok).
Thanks in advance!
I'll be comlpetely honest here, i know nothing about snooker cue's like weights or lengths or what brands are good etc. I want to buy my boyfriend a snooker cue for Christmas (yes i know it's early) but want it to be a surprise. This means i won't be able to ask him what weight/length he prefers etc. I can see from other threads in this section that this kind of information is useful when buying a cue but is it really essential?
Would you recommend buying a cue without knowing anything about the recipients preferences? And if you think it's ok, can you give me some advice about what i should be looking for (good brands etc.) or even recommend some specific ones. My budget is about £50-£60 (i know i'm not going to get anything fantastic for that but that's ok).
Thanks in advance!
