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Stiffness when ordering by internet

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  • Stiffness when ordering by internet


    I live in Germay so it's very hard to find the cue that's perfect for me. There are some shops I could try hundrets of mastercue and something like that.

    But the cue I'd like to buy next, should be that one I'm gonna play till the end of my days. There might be some mastercues that feels good to me. But if I had one, I'm sure, I would ever think an Osborne, Wooldridge, Parris ... could be better.

    So the decision is maturing slowly, that I've got to order by internet. (even if - calculating prices - I've got to auction my grandma first ) But it's not easy to make the right choice without being able to try.

    Most of good German players I've talked to, told me to choose an Osborne. I've tried some of them and must say, all of them felt great to me. No I worry the cue I'm going to order could be the first to feel not as good, because I could change the wrong specifications.

    I'm quite sure about length, weight, butt size and so on. But how do I select the stiffness I need. How to descripe the stiffness? Is stiffness a game of pure chance? Does it depend on material?

    Sorry, my English isn't best, but I hope you'll understand my thoughts?

    Ofcourse Osborne isn't a must. I've heart about Trevor White here for the first time (sorry Trevor!). Maybe a White-Cue is the best? What about Wooldridge?

    If someone's got some tips how to order by internet, I'd be glad to know it.

    thx to all of you

  • #2
    Hi mate! I have bought lot of cues through the internet.If u have a credit card than I would reccomend u to sign up on paypal as it is safe and it is acceptad at almost all the cue websites.Can't see why u don't like mastercue bcoz In my opinion they are very good.I have used Parris,Woolridge and Osborne cues.But now I am using a master custom made cue which I bought from Stuart Green of .Stuart is a great guy,very helplful.He stocks Woolridge & Master cues.I am sure he will help u out.
    My deep screw shot


    • #3
      Hi Hueckle,
      I agree,It would surely be fairly simple to have a standardised way of measuring deflection of the shaft.My current(very whippy) stick has a very slender profile and is 5ft 5,yet it still weighs 19oz.
      Maybe it has already been tried and discarded for some reason.

      Good luck,ch.


      • #4
        that link should be:

        Thought id pop that in...


        • #5
          a lot of things come into how a cue feels and plays. i would say the best thing to do when ordering is to talk to the cue maker by telephone and explain to him how you like the cue to play. with a lot of whip or as stiff as iron. I agree with the previous posts regarding Mastercues, they seem very good quality for the money to me. However, i also play with a Robert Osborne, and i do not rate any other cues higher than his, obviously this is my personal view and i mean no disrespect to the other fine cue-makers out there, of whom there a few already mentioned(with the exception of Paris, just don't think they are as good as they once were). If you have already seen and played with some of Roberts cues then why not phone him with your spec and tell him who cue you like that he made. it would be no Problem I'm sure for him to make you one with your spec but in the stiffness and density of wood that you have seen. hope this helps.
          "Don't think, feel"


          • #6

            I've sent an email to Osborne last weekend. I've told him the name of the customer whose Osborne I've tested. Do you think he's got the spec archived and would be able to make another cue with nearly the same characteristics?


            • #7
              i think he archives the spec of the cues he makes. why don't you call him? he is very good to deal with and a very nice guy. he should be able tomake you one with exact same spec. obviously if it it ash, it will not have exactly the same grain, but you can askhim for one that is very close.
              "Don't think, feel"


              • #8
                Originally Posted by The Doctor
                ... why don't you call him? ...
                cause my English isn't good enough so that I worry it could lead to small but maybe vital misunderstanding.

                It's easier for me to write and have time and chance to look for right terms if necessary.

