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  • Warping

    Just wondering if you have a cue straightened professionally will it be more prone to warp again or is it no more likely to happen than with any new cue?

  • #2
    wood will go where it wants - imho it will be more likely to warp again.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by ADR147
      wood will go where it wants - imho it will be more likely to warp again.
      interesting you should say that ADR, as thats the most common reply ive had when asking folk whove repaired or made cues over the years......

      not always the case, but more likely, so not worth paying to get it fixed?

      how would you get it back into shape? just bend back to shape without prior treatment, or .......?


      • #4
        its a funny thing, the only reason i say it is i have straightened the same cues over and over again!! but then equally i have a cue i use myself that i straightened 5 years ago and its still straight. in the end wood is a natural thing and can warp - i would guess it also depends why it warped in the first place? in my experience the vast majority of warped cues have been stored against a wall, over a radiator or in a car and they have warped because of the temperature changes etc. best advice don't let the cue warp in the first place!


        • #5

          how do YOU straighten them?

          just bend them back, or ?? treat them then bend back, or ??


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer

            how do YOU straighten them?

            just bend them back, or ?? treat them then bend back, or ??
            depends on how bad the bend is, a kink i would treat, a simple warp i would just flex back.


            • #7
              cheers ADR

              are particular types of wood on shafts more prone to warping? if so what?

              and, are particular types "easier" to get back to A1, or are they all easy, but not much point as they can all bend back?



              • #8
                umm - they can all bend but i found pearwood is the worst for warping. damn stuff is like rubber! - it is also the easiest to bend back!


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by ADR147
                  umm - they can all bend but i found pearwood is the worst for warping. damn stuff is like rubber! - it is also the easiest to bend back!
                  would have thought thatd have been bad, as its kinda whippy....

                  cheers for the info ADR


                  • #10
                    also just a point to add that most wood that is rushed when manufactured is more likely to warp as the wood doesn't get a chance to settle inbetween turning.

                    If a cue is rushed, it will probably warp within 6 months as any change in humidity will most likely cause it to move.


                    • #11
                      Off subject but still on it in a way, does anyone know how to bend wood?

                      My old mans walking stick is sorta doing the opposite and the crook is opening up.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Wity
                        Off subject but still on it in a way, does anyone know how to bend wood?

                        My old mans walking stick is sorta doing the opposite and the crook is opening up.




                        • #13
                          Should have googled it but your far quicker Semih cheers.


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Wity
                            Should have googled it but your far quicker Semih cheers.
                            im not quicker than the time it took you to post asking, instead of googling, but at least your getting somewhere.


                            • #15
                              Actually it just come to mind as i was reading the thread and I just posted it. Spose 99% of posts on all forums can be answered using the search button or google but no matter how aware of them we are everyone just asks at some time or other.

                              Steam eh, hmmm dont fancy messing around with that been scolded too many times.

