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cue making, repairs and help

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  • Hi guys What do you cue makers use as a sealer after sanding. Is it a sanding sealer or do you have any mixtures you make up thats better. like a turps and poly mix or pva mix?
    "Don't think, feel"


    • Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
      Hi guys What do you cue makers use as a sealer after sanding. Is it a sanding sealer or do you have any mixtures you make up thats better. like a turps and poly mix or pva mix?

      I think you'll find they will use different products and do things in slightly different ways.

      I'd be surprised if any did it the same way as I do, as I make much of my own finish.

      What you could try is a cellulose sanding sealer, it will be reasonably effective and dries very quickly.


      • Originally Posted by keith auld View Post
        Hi Craig
        The workshop will take place as far as I can see in July or August - generally fairly quiet months - but the final date will be decided by BBC television and the independant filmaker - sorry I can't be more specific but I will post a thread nearer the time to let you all know - at present there are so many people that want to attend it's made me realise how many of you really want to make your own cues - one of you will I'm sure prove to be a prodigy and become the best cuemaker of us all !!!!!!!!!

        Regards - Keith

        Hi Keith

        I would love to leaarn how to make a cue tha i could be proud of, look forward to learning.


        Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


        • Hi Keith

          Do you have any tips on reducing shrinkage of Ebony?
          Is it just down to good drying and storage of the ebony

          It can sometimes show up on 3/4 jointed cues at the joint.
          Given most people store their cue at about 18 degrees, can it be stopped without the use of varnish and Lacquer, or it it just inevitable.
          Last edited by BITTER; 9 March 2008, 09:56 PM.


          • Hi Bitter
            The ebony you have access to should all be stable and dry - particularly if it has already been made into a cue. Shrinkage is usually associated with the choice of glue that has been used - you'll find that if someone has used a standard water based PVA glue then when it dries and cures the wood contracts and the splices move in many cases to the extent that you can feel the glue line. Varnish seals the wood and stops this movement, sealer should help depending on the quantity used. This is not inevitable there are many other glues on the market that don't have this shrinkage tendancy - I don't have this problem with any of my cues - but seeing as ADR has posted a list of the UK's top cuemakers perhaps he knows more than me you could always ask him !
            Regards - Keith


            • which ones bitter? actually i put a list of where i would buy a cue if it were my own money, its interesting you would call that the countries top cue makers. its an opinion based on experience of which yes i have a fair amount.

              how much do you charge for a cue and i will try one out? it needs to be as follows.

              ash shaft, hand spliced in plain ebony, level splices, 58.2 inches long, 17.6 oz, balance point at 18" dead, 13.75mm at 10 inches from the top of the ferrule, 5 arrows on the top of the shaft in decending order, not too stiff and a 9.4 mm ferrule please.
              Last edited by ADR147; 10 March 2008, 06:33 PM.


              • Hi Adr. - if you visit my temporary website at (a new website is under construction) you can choose from there


                • that site is down


                  • i'll make it for you adr. same price as normal - 500 squid....
                    The Cuefather.



                    • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                      that site is down
                      was "up" when that post was made, and its "up" just now


                      • hang on, balance at 18" dead. make it 650...
                        The Cuefather.



                        • Waste of time making him a cue Mike he gets the sandpaper out on day 1 and squeezes orange juice all over it. On day 2 he's changed his mind and is fitting a different ferrel. On day 3 he's got a felt tip pen out and is dawing an extra arrow on it. On 4 it sanded off again. 5 sees him trying to flog it the barman in exchange for his bar slate and then on the 6th day he's taking photos of it ready to put on ebay on the 7th.


                          • lol...

                            hey, long time no hear.

                            i take it you've kissed and made up with the authorities?

                            don't answer that. you'll probably get yourself in trouble again...

                            good to see you back...
                            The Cuefather.



                            • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              which ones bitter? actually i put a list of where i would buy a cue if it were my own money, its interesting you would call that the countries top cue makers. its an opinion based on experience of which yes i have a fair amount.

                              how much do you charge for a cue and i will try one out? it needs to be as follows.

                              ash shaft, hand spliced in plain ebony, level splices, 58.2 inches long, 17.6 oz, balance point at 18" dead, 13.75mm at 10 inches from the top of the ferrule, 5 arrows on the top of the shaft in decending order, not too stiff and a 9.4 mm ferrule please.
                              ADR147, you did nto specify the butt diameter, but you did specify the diameter of 10 inches from the tip, may I ask why?
                              18" is quite forward balance, isn't it?
                              Thank you.


                              • Originally Posted by Wity View Post
                                Waste of time making him a cue Mike he gets the sandpaper out on day 1 and squeezes orange juice all over it. On day 2 he's changed his mind and is fitting a different ferrel. On day 3 he's got a felt tip pen out and is dawing an extra arrow on it. On 4 it sanded off again. 5 sees him trying to flog it the barman in exchange for his bar slate and then on the 6th day he's taking photos of it ready to put on ebay on the 7th.
                                its a vicious rumour !!

