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mastercraft cues

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  • mastercraft cues

    unfortunatly i have had my cue of 12 years stolen and am thinking about buying a mastercraftcue the green emerald and wondered if anyone had any views or opinions about that particular cue or the quality of the cue makers many thanks 8ball

  • #2
    Heard mixed things about Mastercraft. I dismissed them whrn I was looking for my last cue. Never seen one to be fair.
    Heard one story about them that the ebony was died and came off on your hand!
    But I've heard some good too.
    Do you live near them?
    Craftman are a similar price.
    I splashed out on a bit more though and got one from Trevor White!


    • #3
      I was that proud owner of the Mastercraft with the dyed Ebony butt!

      I think they have improved their quality ten fold since then, they had not long started out when I had mine, about 3 years or so ago I think.

      My mate has a 1 piece Emerald gem with a maple shaft, he likes it and the quality is better that what I had from them.

      Personally, for the price, I would pay a little bit extra, and get a plain ebony cue from Trevor. It doesn't matter about design or anything, or at least it shouldn't do and you are guaranteed a quality cue for just a little bit extra.


      • #4
        mastercraft cues are decent value for money, i have had them make 30 or so cues for me - i was running about a 90% success rate ie i have had maybe three that were not good enough for me to sell on. which is not too bad at their price structure but its not in the trevor white, mike wooldridge or robert osbourne range where every cue is up to standard.


        • #5
          My cue i bought from them was OK, had to send it back though to be re-finished which they duly did and when returned it was much better so credit due there.


          • #6
            when was it you brought your cue and why did you have to send it back how bad was the finnish.


            • #7
              why what was the matter with the three you couldnt sell on


              • #8
                its a shame because the design does matter to me, personal preferance i suppose, and i have searched the internet for hours and love with this cue. what is the splicing like on your mates cue and how much better is a trevor white cue.


                • #9
                  Cue was bought getting on for a year ago now. The main problem with the cue was the joint was a bit rough and not totally flush with the butt/shaft, but i should point out that this was sorted by mastercraft. The cue plays well, good piece of ash and has a nice balance.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by 8ball
                    its a shame because the design does matter to me, personal preferance i suppose, and i have searched the internet for hours and love with this cue. what is the splicing like on your mates cue and how much better is a trevor white cue.
                    I think you were refering that to me. The Emerald Gem my mate has is a 1 piece and is pretty well spliced, all fairly even and accurate enough to the eye though I've not exactly examined it for flaws.

                    IMO if you have a cue from Trevor you are almost certain to be getting a quality playing cue, above all else. Mastercraft IMO don't quite make cues for quality players, rather a lower end market for club players just happy to have a fairly decent cue they can play with.
                    However any cue from Trevor would be suitable in the hands of an amatuer or professional alike (you can thank me later Trev )

                    Obviously its down to you, but put it this way, do you want a cue that has a nice design but might not play as well as you'd like, or a plain cue from Trevor who you know will produce a very good playing cue?


                    • #11
                      erm...i've got some very good 3rd party cues in the mastercraft price range that may suit you or the best cues if you want to spend more money.

                      i didn't come on here for business but i may as well at least make the offer...

                      pm me.
                      The Cuefather.



                      • #12
                        IMO if you have a cue from Trevor you are almost certain to be getting a quality playing cue, above all else. Mastercraft IMO don't quite make cues for quality players, rather a lower end market for club players just happy to have a fairly decent cue they can play with.
                        However any cue from Trevor would be suitable in the hands of an amatuer or professional alike (you can thank me later Trev )

                        Obviously its down to you, but put it this way, do you want a cue that has a nice design but might not play as well as you'd like, or a plain cue from Trevor who you know will produce a very good playing cue?[/QUOTE]
                        its a tricky one my freind, even more so with not being able to have a feel of the cue and i am having trouble finding a web site with trevors cues on does he have a web site or do you know where i can see some of his designs


                        • #13
                          Hi 8ball, you won't find a website sorry.

                          Here's a link to a Belgian forum. One of the guys that apparently runs the site had one made and decided to post some images I'd sent him.


                          If you have a strictly limited budget and don't want to go down the made to measure route. Have you spoken to Mike above about the cues he has mentioned? they may be worth considering also.

                          Good luck with your search.


                          • #14
                            i was surprised to here bad comments as i had a good experience when i had
                            my cue made by mastercraft about 8 months ago.
                            i've had loads of cues over the years,including from the big name cue-makers.
                            and many have been below par.
                            because i don't live too far away, i decided to try them out and went to the factory, expecting it all to be top secret, but they let me into the workshop
                            and let me pick my own materials from the woodstore.
                            i,m only an average player so i would think anybody could do this, if its within reasonable driving distance for them,
                            my cue is fine, i'm really happy with it and picking my own woods/colours etc gives it a bit more of a personal touch.

