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Gravity Cue

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  • #16
    gravity cue

    I live close to the snooker club run by the chap who developed this cue. re my name, the ham bit comes from being a radio amateur and the last bit is obvious.


    • #17
      ive got a gravity cue and ignore all the nonsence thats been replied to you this is the best thing u will buy believe me it didnt end up getting made by peradon it was made by craftsman cues its a great invention and really works


      • #18
        Can I ask how much you paid for it ? as they don't appear to be freely available yet after many years of talk and development.

        Also could you please post us all some image's of the cue.

        The spec would also be very interesting.

        Many Thanks...


        • #19
          I like the logic of design behind this gravity cue. But has the same feeling that it might 'jump' off the bridge hand, as the weight is more on the butt side and not the shaft
          It's in the Shaft


          • #20
            Originally Posted by mcgilton89 View Post
            ive got a gravity cue and ignore all the nonsence thats been replied to you this is the best thing u will buy believe me it didnt end up getting made by peradon it was made by craftsman cues its a great invention and really works
            Are you paying some 220 pounds for it ?
            It's in the Shaft


            • #21
              a guy at my club has a gravity cue.. first thing i noticed was that the cue is very light, i think around 17 oz. Didn't play much with it though, but for the few shots i took it played alright.


              • #22
                i paid 250 for mine and i will b able to send u sum pics later got a snooker match now lol but its the best quality que ive had since i started playing


                • #23
                  How long is the brass keel on your's I've seen a few prototypes all one piece as I assume they can't make it in a 3/4, due to the design.

                  I'm guessing you also have a prototype as they still don't appear to be in production.
                  Looking at the prototype I can't believe they are as cheap as that to be honest, given the amount of extra work from a standard cue.

                  I would charge at least £150 on top of the price of a standard cue.


                  • #24
                    i hav the real cue not prototype i no the feller who invented it and i paid 250


                    • #25
                      I think all the gravity cues made so far are prototypes as they don't have any for sale and still appear to be in development.


                      • #26
                        no mine is not a prototype onest i will get a pic of it an send u it


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by BITTER View Post
                          I think all the gravity cues made so far are prototypes as they don't have any for sale and still appear to be in development.
                          On thier website it says they have had a small batch made, which they have given / sold to certain people.

                          But they do appear to be waiting for another batch to be produced before they officially go on sale.

                          Just my 2p's worth.

                          mcgilton89> some pics of the actual cue would be nice.
                          Andi Mack


                          • #28
                            From the feedback on here it seems it is as simple a design as taking a normal cue , go to quick fit and ask for some alloy wheels stick on lead wieghts attached to youre cue roughly to the position of where you grip the cue .
                            I personaly will not knock it as a gimmick yet as I have not seen one to try out , But in the Cue sports industry it seems there is a tendency for gimmick inventiions to assist us in playing the game .
                            I could name a few that I have seen , but I get a kick out of seeing poeple with them in the Clubs and halls , and have a little chuckle to myself when i see them being used , it was not until recentley that one member of this forum who I got to know very well , sent me one such invention which is a liitle palm stool that you use to bridge over a ball ( he called it the lepricauns stool , he sent it as a joke and a gift ), I had a right old laugh at it , but you know what it took some one many hours to think this up and get it to production , and they should not be knocked for their inventive brain even if it did not take off in the 80s , it may take 100 inventions of gimmicks like this , but it only takes one to catch on , to make a killing .

                            I give you the extending cue extension as No1 top selling cue sports aid to improve youre game .
                            what are other people's top selling cue sports aids maybe we can list a top ten ?

                            Somehow I do not think the Gravity cue will make huge sales , and if they aproached Dragons Den for a cash input to boost sales I can just imagine what Duncan would say to them :rolleyes
                            You know I try and think of inventive idea's all the time , if I have aproblem at work or at home I tend to think what can I invent to make this easier , one such thought when shaving in the bathroom after having a shower was to put a heated windscreen element on the bathroom mirror to keep the steam away , I typed heated bathroom mirror into google only to find it was allready inveted
                            ahh well back to the Drawing board :snooker:



                            • #29
                              I posted the text below in an other thread and think it shall still stand, word by word. My opinion, I know, but it's what I honestly think about the gimmick-style gravity cue. Maybe you can sell such a thing to an unexperienced player who let's himself influence by babble about rotation, torque, wrist movement... but then, it's nonsense nevertheless:

                              Originally Posted by Krypton View Post
                              And, as I'd like to add:

                              Movement around it's axis is never the problem with any cue. The "gravity cue theory" is complete nonsense. That's just a way of picking money out of people's bag with a high tech arguement that has no effect in real snooker play.

                              Tests have been made, it's simple: just fix something heavy, like a stick/piece of lead, outside your cue with tape - a fine, pen size piece will do the job - and play. You won't feel any 'great' improvement. If you rotate your cue around it's length axis, you will do so with the extra weight - if you don't anyway, that's fine too. The torque applied by your hand (unwanted) is much stronger than anything the lead could do.

                              From a physical point of view, it's not important anyway, because such a type of movement won't affect the cueball. It's some sort of "screw action" - not in the meaning of spinning back, but rotating around it's long axis - and this type of spin won't be transferred to the cue ball.

                              From a technical (snooker) point of view, it might be a bad thing to do (rotate your wrist) because your cueing will be less consistent. You might be making other bad movements that DO affect the cueballs direction and rotation, but that's not the point to be dealt with here.

                              A last point to add: If your grip is strong enough not to let go completely of the cue when playing a harder shot, then it surely is firm enough not to allow the cue to rotate that way. Otherwise, if your grip is loose enough to let the off-center-weight have an influence, the cue would fall out of your hand when playing or your shots will go wrong anyway with such a loose grip.

                              All together, that means that a special shape or special balancepoint out of it's center axis won't prevent a cue from rotating, because the technical error you make, combined with your force, is always greater than the conter effect any special cue design could have, plus this rotation does almost not affect the cue ball.

                              From a point of view of design and comfort, other butt shapes might be worth a tought. But as you get a more comfortable (I personally don't need such a thing, a round cue is comfortable enough for me) grip, you lose flexibility and freedom of holding the cue the way you like. Some players like the arrows on the shaft to be in a certain position, some in anther. You'll have to design the cue exatly that way, once you decide not to have a round butt or shaft.

                              Compare with other types of sports: Tennis rackets as already mentioned, but also golf clubs, hockey sticks and baseball bats have been designed in many type of designs and shapes, but still the round one (or quasi round, as I consider an octagonal tennis racket grip as round, once it's taped) is the one used by far the most players. They can't all be wrong!

                              I don't want to take your enthusiasm or blame the idea of having another type of butt - feel free to try it out, if you like the looks, the handling... but don't expect it to improve your game magically.

                              That's all for now


                              • #30
                                gravity cue

                                krypton ime not inexperienced andd i dont get influenced by people trying to get money out of my pocket uve to to try it to believe it and u wil never no

