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Gravity Cue

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  • Gravity Cue

    Has anyone tried a gravity cue before? How is it?
    Thank you.

  • #2
    I have heard of it, i've never played with one, it looks like a good invention. My only concern is if the weight is towards the bottom like a boat, then the cue may come off the bridge hand.


    • #3
      iam the same dont know much abt them just off the website -invented by a coach from liverpool neil?i think-and manafactured by peradon of liverpool -there was a video on you tube #a guy in a everton shirt -snooker on tv conversations going on in the background -and still managed to make a century - with his gravity cue-


      • #4
        yes but i imagine he could make one without it!


        • #5
          yes you are correct adr -if he can do it with a gravity cue -hes got the game to make a century -with any cue


          • #6
            The gravity cue is just another cue with an off centre weight, no more and no less.

            Any cue could be made like this, and in fact, some are, though not intentionally.

            The arm of a player is just far too strong to be affected by such a ridiulcous concept as the gravity cue. I've said this before somewhere else I know, but if anyone wants to try this idea out, tape a thin strip of lead (about 2" to 3" long) along one side (lengthwise) of the butt of your cue where your grip is when cueing. As long as you ensure the weighted side of the butt faces down to the floor when you are cueing, it will give you exactly the same effect as the gravity cue would.

            I don't like to be dismissive of anything or anyone...but...It counts for absolutely nothing
            Last edited by trevs1; 2 January 2008, 08:17 PM.


            • #7
              Thank you.
              On the web site it talks about the delivery of the cue being stabilied by the weight distribution on the bottom.
              If I have two cues with the same balance point, taper and so forth, with one having the weight distributed mostly on the bottom, while the other one more along the center axis, will there be a difference in the delivery that one could feel is the question I suppose.
              Without trying the cue, it is hard to draw a conclusive statement--but I think the weight will have to be very heavy, and very bottom loaded, to make such a notable difference. From my understanding, the claim is based on the theory that the weight on the bottom can add "gravity" to keep the wrist down in a vertical plane. In that sense, I have to agree that I cannot see how for a 16-18oz cue, this difference in weight distribution can really make a difference. But I thought I would ask.
              Has anyone tried this cue?


              • #8
                give me a 'g'

                give me an 'i'

                give me an 'mmick'!

                The Cuefather.



                • #9
                  lmao - very good mike

                  this simply can't work think about it - how much weight are we talking about? and how far can it be moved off centre? in relation to the size and strength of a human it has to be a tiny tiny amount.


                  • #10
                    I have tried the cue because I do have a tendancy to turn my wrist over.I set up a series of not so easy shots and was potting about 8/10. went back to my own cue with nothing like the same results. Mind over matter....coincidence ?? I dont know, I seemed to take to the cue instantly and was potting fluently. I know you can get this feel with certain cues,they just feel right. I must admit I was very sceptical,but am toying with the idea of taking the plunge.I am going to have another try to make sure it was not a one off. Overall I was impressed.


                    • #11
                      I don't think I could buy anything called 'Gravity cue' lol
                      My Flickr


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by hamcue View Post
                        I have tried the cue because I do have a tendancy to turn my wrist over.I set up a series of not so easy shots and was potting about 8/10. went back to my own cue with nothing like the same results. Mind over matter....coincidence ?? I dont know, I seemed to take to the cue instantly and was potting fluently. I know you can get this feel with certain cues,they just feel right. I must admit I was very sceptical,but am toying with the idea of taking the plunge.I am going to have another try to make sure it was not a one off. Overall I was impressed.

                        My thoughts are it is all in your mind.

                        If you believe in the cue and the concept i think you will slightly loosen your grip to allow the "gravity" of the cue to take effect and therefore just cue better and more relaxed.

                        But if it works for you and you play better, be it down to the cue or in your mind then it can't be a bad thing.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by hamcue View Post
                          I have tried the cue because I do have a tendancy to turn my wrist over.I set up a series of not so easy shots and was potting about 8/10. went back to my own cue with nothing like the same results. Mind over matter....coincidence ?? I dont know, I seemed to take to the cue instantly and was potting fluently. I know you can get this feel with certain cues,they just feel right. I must admit I was very sceptical,but am toying with the idea of taking the plunge.I am going to have another try to make sure it was not a one off. Overall I was impressed.
                          May be the balance of the cue helps you to deliver it better? May be the taper makes it more forgiving? There are many reasons why you would play better with one cue than another. But regardless, if it helps, stay with it I guess.


                          • #14
                            I haven't seen the gravity cue but the website is proffessional. I think all inovation should be encouraged on this forum!
                            And their premises are 50 yards from mine! :snooker:


                            • #15
                              Your comments caught my eye, maybe because of your name. My name is Gilb Ham. Re the gravity cue, how were you lucky enough to try it ? I should love to do so

