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Cue shots sounding tinny

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  • Cue shots sounding tinny

    Hi All

    I bought a Peradon Prince cue 2 weeks ago from a snooker shop near Manchester which has an elkmaster tip fitted to it.

    In the past i have always re-tipped any new cue i bought with a blue diamond but due to the cost of this cue i decided to give it the benefit of the doubt but after playing approx 12 frames something is definitely not right. Everytime i play a shot it sounds very tinny and feels hollow. Also it seems very lifeless and the cue ball is very unresponsive after playing shots . Is this a cue tip problem or could there be something more seriously wrong with the cue?

    Can i go back to the snooker shop and ask for a replacement? I don't want to re-tip it in case it invalidates any warranty or guarantee.

    Has anyone got any comments on this?


  • #2
    Originally Posted by whizzwilly View Post
    Hi All

    I bought a Peradon Prince cue 2 weeks ago from a snooker shop near Manchester which has an elkmaster tip fitted to it.

    In the past i have always re-tipped any new cue i bought with a blue diamond but due to the cost of this cue i decided to give it the benefit of the doubt but after playing approx 12 frames something is definitely not right. Everytime i play a shot it sounds very tinny and feels hollow. Also it seems very lifeless and the cue ball is very unresponsive after playing shots . Is this a cue tip problem or could there be something more seriously wrong with the cue?

    Can i go back to the snooker shop and ask for a replacement? I don't want to re-tip it in case it invalidates any warranty or guarantee.

    Has anyone got any comments on this?

    Probably one of 2 things. Either the tip is coming loose or your ferrule may be loose. Try shaping the tip a bit to see if you get a more responsive result, if not try replacing it and when you take the old one off, check that the ferrule is secure.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by whizzwilly View Post
      Hi All

      I bought a Peradon Prince cue 2 weeks ago from a snooker shop near Manchester which has an elkmaster tip fitted to it.

      In the past i have always re-tipped any new cue i bought with a blue diamond but due to the cost of this cue i decided to give it the benefit of the doubt but after playing approx 12 frames something is definitely not right. Everytime i play a shot it sounds very tinny and feels hollow. Also it seems very lifeless and the cue ball is very unresponsive after playing shots . Is this a cue tip problem or could there be something more seriously wrong with the cue?

      Can i go back to the snooker shop and ask for a replacement? I don't want to re-tip it in case it invalidates any warranty or guarantee.

      Has anyone got any comments on this?

      It might be that the new tip is too hard, put your nail into it and see if there any give or whether it leaves a nail mark
      Welsh Is Best


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Son of Cliff View Post
        It might be that the new tip is too hard, put your nail into it and see if there any give or whether it leaves a nail mark
        Thanks for your reply

        I have rang the snooker shop today and told me to bring in the cue and they will re-tip it for me. This is the first time i have used elkmaster tips so i don't know if this is normal. I have read elsewhere on this forum that hard tips are ok so i am a bit confused when u say the tip is too hard ? Does a hard tip make your cue shots sound different? I also read that a tip needs to be "bed in" - does this mean the tip will go harder? As i said i have always used blue diamond with no problems at all.



        • #5
          I wouldn't be at all surprised if the joint is loose.

          If the sound is still not right after a tip change, maybe send it back and get a replacement.


          • #6
            If you go to, there is lots of info, including a bit about tinny shots and how to find out what it is, genuine information by one of the world's best cuemakers, Mike Wooldridge, he is a regular poster on this forum, username is mikewooldridge.


            • #7
              If the tip was fitted by Peradon chance is that it's crap, has all tips from the mass produced makers tend to be.

              A genuine Elk is a good tip and will be much softer.

              Has posted by others it could also be a loose ferrule.


              • #8
                Sounds like the tip to me, especially as you say it seems unresponsive, wouldn't have thought it was the joint, well not unless you didn't tighten it properly.

                Was it the name of the shop the snooker shop in manchester?


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                  Sounds like the tip to me, especially as you say it seems unresponsive, wouldn't have thought it was the joint, well not unless you didn't tighten it properly.

                  Was it the name of the shop the snooker shop in manchester?
                  It is called The Snooker Shop in Levinshulme near Stockport. I have bought 2cues from him in the past and he has been very good in both quality and prices.

                  I did tighten the joint properly but it still made the same noise. One point to note is that in the beginning it sounded brilliant but the more i have played the worse it sounds. My mate told me there is definitely something wrong.

                  Can the shop test out the cue as well as the tip ?



                  • #10
                    Yeah they'll be able to find out what the problem is, I think they have a table you can try cues out on, though I'm not sure as I've only been once and that was years ago. The guy is helpful but can be a bit of a miserable git depending on the mood you catch him in.

                    If the sound became worse then it doesn't sound too good, unless of course the tip really has come loose. Could be the joint now, obviously without seeing it, its impossible to say. It'll be one of a few things, most likely the tip, possibly a loose joint, less likely but still possible a loose ferrule, and least likely of all, a loose weight in the butt end.


                    • #11
                      Cueman I caught him on a bad day too
                      The guys a dead ringer for Arkwright in open all hours.

                      Last time I was in the shop he had a good selection of cues such has Parris North west and Mastercraft

                      Plus he had a lot of peradon
                      Last edited by BITTER; 8 February 2008, 11:21 PM.


                      • #12
                        I have a Peradon Ascot, and the tip (Elk) has been superb. Ive domed it a bit but the screw shots have been awesome to say the least


                        • #13
                          if you cue is sounding odd it will be one of three things

                          1. loose firrule or badly fitted tip
                          2. broken or loose joint
                          3. loose weight in butt
                          Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


                          • #14
                            how odd i was playing with my cue last night and it started to sound tinny ive had it since 11th of january and used it 2-3 times a week for 6 hours each time ive tryed moving the ferrule that dont move ive checked it was done up tight it was and also tried to tap he but see if that any weight move but they dont seem to make any noise either


                            • #15
                              Rather than go all the way to Stockport again I decided to re-tip it myself with a Blue Diamond - it sounds brilliant now. Played with it last night , just letting the tip bed in so haven't tried any power screw or topspin shots yet but the side spin I get on the cue ball now is just how it should be. I am looking forward to really testing it out in the next 2 weeks and if problem re-occurs then i will be returning it to shop.

                              Thanks to all members for your help and ideas


