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Ebay & Trevor White Cues

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  • #16
    i totaly agree i will never buy another cue without trying it out first.


    • #17
      yea....I think everyone would like to "try before buy" especially when a well known branded cue does not come cheap. However, people like me living in Australia will not have much chance since snooker is not the major sport in the country and not many places sell decent cues.
      Anyway, the point I wanna make is if you know excatly what you want your cue to be AND you find a 'true' good cue maker (like Trevor and Mike) and AND ask him to customly made a cue for you, I believe their skill and craftmanship can make a cue that will keep you happily ever after


      • #18
        as one of those c****s with a good cue that you refer to..I would just like to add that there are quite a few of us about who enjoy the feeling of owning a new cue and take pleasure in obtaining quality products from quality cuemakers like Trevor and Mike. It would probably be best ( and as someone who has played for 25 years I know i am right) for our game overall if we stayed with one cue as any normal human being would! But wehey.....
        Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


        • #19

          I ordered a cue from Trevor White made to my specifications. I live in South Africa so there was no chance of me trying it out before buying. However the cue is great and fits me perfectly. I played well with it for the first 4 months. Unfortunately my game is not very good and I started playing again as per normal. I got frustrated and wanted to sell the cue immediately. Some members on the forum teased me at the time. I realized that it wasn't the cue, but me. If you are a average player, a great cue will not make you the next Rocket Ronnie. Now I just try to enjoy the game and my cue.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by platt View Post
            Is it me or has anyone else noticed the amount of trevors cues the are going through ebay at the moment. All sellers are boasting the these cues are the business yet they are going back to using other makers cues or there old cues ?? I myself spoke to trevor about getting a cue made, and will be going ahead with it in the next few weeks, but is this not bad for trevor cues that so many are going up for sale at roughly the purchase price??????
            Well, speaking as someone who is selling a Trevor White cue on ebay at the moment maybe I am in a better position to respond. I am 'boasting that this cue is the business'......because it is!! It is a stunningly good maple 3/4 cue. Nothing wrong with it at all, so why am I selling it? Because I am now using a Trevor White ash one piece cue. I think that I play better snooker with the ash cue so at the moment that is my playing cue. I am in a position whereby I can buy 'top end' cues indeed I have tried 60 different cues in the last 5 years!!

            Also to respond about the remark about prices........I would far rather order a handmade cue from Trevor White at around £300 knowing that if for any reason at all it just ends up not being 'the one' that I can then sell it on to someone else (via this forum or ebay) for roughly what I paid for it RATHER than buy a John Parris Ultimate or similar for DOUBLE that price and have no chance or getting what I paid for it if I do not like it and believe me, over the years I have had lots of VERY expensive cues that I have tried and then just sold on making a huge loss. This has never happened to me with Trevor White cues.

            I already put this in another post but a few weeks ago I was using an ash 3/4 joined Trevor White cue in a snooker club on a table next to a top 50 snooker pro who is a friend of mine. He knows that I have an incurable cue addiction so laughed and asked to see what I was using so I handed him the Trevor cue. He was aboslutley amazed at the silky smooth finish on the cue, indeed he was so amazed that he called over a few of his friends to have a look and the handed me his Parris Ultimate so show me that the finish on the Ultimate was nowhere near as nice as Trevors cue.

            So........Mr Platt......if you are ordering a bespoke cue from Trevor White then I know for certain that you will be delighted with the cue when you receive it BUT whether or not it makes you a better player is up to you and how much practice and concentration you put into the game that we love.

            'Believe To Achieve'


            • #21
              I always think having a really top quality cue is like having alloy wheels on your car. It wont make you go faster but its just nice to have.
              That said there is a belief that confidence is a large part of any cue sport and having your own custom made cue certainly breeds confidence.

              Lastly I dont think £3-£400 is expensive for a cue. If you play football then a decent pair of boots will set you back £80 and only last a season. A £300 cue will last for your lifetime at the very least.


              • #22
                Originally Posted by JasonOwen View Post
                I always think having a really top quality cue is like having alloy wheels on your car. It wont make you go faster but its just nice to have.
                That said there is a belief that confidence is a large part of any cue sport and having your own custom made cue certainly breeds confidence.

                Lastly I dont think £3-£400 is expensive for a cue. If you play football then a decent pair of boots will set you back £80 and only last a season. A £300 cue will last for your lifetime at the very least.
                Totally agree There is actually no real bargain nowadays. You will only get what you pay for. I believe £3-£400 for a cue is worth to spend on a hobby we love so much. By the way, it does take a lot of effort and time to make a cue that has silk smooth shaft, well-balanced cue body and even hand spliced butt. Plus a well made cue can last forever (as long as we take good care of it), eg, my mate has a cue made by Will Hunt ages but it still as straight and smooth as new.


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by OzMini View Post
                  yea....I think everyone would like to "try before buy" especially when a well known branded cue does not come cheap. However, people like me living in Australia will not have much chance since snooker is not the major sport in the country and not many places sell decent cues.
                  Anyway, the point I wanna make is if you know excatly what you want your cue to be AND you find a 'true' good cue maker (like Trevor and Mike) and AND ask him to customly made a cue for you, I believe their skill and craftmanship can make a cue that will keep you happily ever after

                  Have you tried Andy Bream (Australia)?


                  • #24
                    yes - i like andy's cues - both old git and i have had a few of them!


                    • #25
                      i have contact details but i don't know if he still makes cues or not. PM me and i will see if i can help you.


                      • #26
                        Last I heard about him was that he's stopped, but I can't say whether that is still the case.

                        I can definitely find out if you need to know.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by Max View Post
                          Have you tried Andy Bream (Australia)?
                          Haven't heard the name before. I think because I am still a newbie to the sport. Would you mind telling me more about this cue maker?

                          BTW, my name is Bernie and living in Brisbane. What about u?


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by JasonOwen View Post
                            I always think having a really top quality cue is like having alloy wheels on your car. It wont make you go faster but its just nice to have.
                            I agree it won't make you go faster but it can certainly improve your game. It's kind of like going from using old tyres with the wire sticking out the walls and no tread to using new top quality tyres.

                            I have seen plenty of guys using cues that many shots are nigh on impossible with and simply not realising how much they are handicapping themselves. The same obviously applies to tips.

                            However there is obviously a point where as Lee Trevino said "it ain't the arrows, it's the indian".

                            He was probably referring to apache c***s with expensive bows!

