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Linseed Oil and Cue.

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  • Linseed Oil and Cue.

    hi everyone,

    Can any one help me on the following question.

    Is there any type of wood that does not need linseed oil every now and then but still keeping smooth and sparking shine all the time?

  • #2
    any wood that has been varnished.


    • #3
      Thanks Andrew!

      But how can I I tell whether a wood has been varnished since every new cueor cue that has been applied linseed oil looks shinny and glossy to me?


      • #4
        good question - i would know by looking, i have no fool proof method maybe a single drop of water ? - but if you coat it in raw linseed oil it is not going to harm it it just will not soak in!


        • #5
          what cue is it for?


          • #6
            Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
            any wood that has been varnished.
            do you know if north west (kev muncaster) varnish there cues? so this means that i wont need to put linseed oil on me cue?!

            lol im sorry to bypass the thread.


            • #7

              If I recall they dip them in a large vat of Varnish, that's correct ain't it Andrew?

              It leave's a very hard dent resistant surface.

              However I did hear they had Health and Safety problem with the process, so it may no longer be used.
              Last edited by BITTER; 9 March 2008, 10:24 PM.


              • #8
                lol kevins cues are finished without varnish!


                • #9
                  Health and safety must have put a stop to it after that guy fell in....

                  When they did get him out it was too late.....

                  He had a lovely FINNSH


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by OzMini View Post
                    Is there any type of wood that does not need linseed oil every now and then but still keeping smooth and sparking shine all the time?

                    It ain't so much about the wood -

                    it's the finish.

                    Varnish get's dirty a loooot quicker than Oil,

                    so you'll be cleaning it more to get it smooth.

                    As you get more experience though you'll be able

                    to tell right off if it's Oiled or Varnished,

                    just by looking at a cue.



                    • #11
                      I would think you can tell just by touching it...varish is usually more sticky.
                      Most if not all higher end snooker cues have oil finish I think. Most import put a thick layer of varnish on them. I could be wrong, may be there are some exception?


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                        I would think you can tell just by touching it...varish is usually more sticky.
                        I agree. Varnish is likely to be glass smooth and make almost no sound when you run your finger along it. Oiled wood may still show some grain and possibly make a slight 'scratchy' sound when rubbed. You could also try smelling it. Oil might smell but commercially applied varnish won't. There are other oils, so it may not smell of linseed.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by BITTER View Post
                          Health and safety must have put a stop to it after that guy fell in....

                          When they did get him out it was too late.....

                          He had a lovely FINNSH
                          i heard he looked like dale winton


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                            what cue is it for?
                            This is not for any cue. I have this question is because I noticed my mate's cue is a bit different to me that it is a bit glossier than my cue and also he does not have the sticky feel that I have during we both playing a comp in a club which locates quite near coast and thereby fairly humid even inside the air-con venue. I asked him whether he applies linseed oil to his cue to keep it so glossy and smooth. His reply is "special" wood made of his cue doesn't need linseed oil.This is why I would like to know what kind of wood that is and may be I can used for my future's cue.


                            • #15
                              no such thing as special or magic wood.

