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Is this a geniune John Parris Ultimate

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  • #16
    The 'Parris' cue is 100% not a JP cue.


    • #17
      Thanks Trevor it does'nt play too badly but a bit too light for me. Do you have any ideas as too its origin or maker?


      • #18
        Obviously without speaking to JP himself it is impossible to know if the cue is fake or not. However I have a theory of why the badge is like it is.

        Here goes. I think the person who ordered the cue probably wanted a mini butt with the ultimate badge set into it as well as on the cue itself. Now, as JP has all his Ultimate range in numbered sequential order this may have been a problem as it would mean having to get another Ultimate badge made with the same number to match that on the cue itself. Now JP would be aware that there is a danger in supplying someone with two Ultimate badges so decided that the only way he was going to accept this request was to do the badge with a lower case font so he can identify it, in case the person buying the cue decided to take off the other Ultimate badge and stick it on another cue and pass it off as another Ultimate model.


        • #19
          Hi Biggus stickus,

          No, I'd have no clue as to who made that cue, nor would I like to openly take a guess at it on a forum.

          Blimey Cueman, are you a fan of conspiracy theories???....ha.

          I'm sure there's an answer to the question of whether or not the cue mentioned in the OP is a genuine JP cue or not, I'm just amazed at why people 'apparently' get soooo emotive about it.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by cueman View Post
            Obviously without speaking to JP himself it is impossible to know if the cue is fake or not. However I have a theory of why the badge is like it is.

            Here goes. I think the person who ordered the cue probably wanted a mini butt with the ultimate badge set into it as well as on the cue itself. Now, as JP has all his Ultimate range in numbered sequential order this may have been a problem as it would mean having to get another Ultimate badge made with the same number to match that on the cue itself. Now JP would be aware that there is a danger in supplying someone with two Ultimate badges so decided that the only way he was going to accept this request was to do the badge with a lower case font so he can identify it, in case the person buying the cue decided to take off the other Ultimate badge and stick it on another cue and pass it off as another Ultimate model.

            umm interesting theory but why not just do the mini butt without the number? also as for age that cue 744 is from the time hendry got his parris maybe 5 years ago?


            • #21
              Blimey Cueman, are you a fan of conspiracy theories???....ha
              well, anything is possible these days, it pays to take precautions, I think JP has been conned a few times by requests like this. Why else would someone want a badge on the mini butt, with so many people out to con you these it would make sense to take a precaution like that.


              • #22
                Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                umm interesting theory but why not just do the mini butt without the number?
                Perhaps the number would help trace the culprit.


                • #23
                  I think this one on ebay is real. It is my guess that the seller simply might have gotten his date wrong. But then I ahve not seen as amny as most people here, so I am open to hear the expert opinion on why they may think it is not real.


                  • #24
                    I can only add that i used to own ultimate 743, and that now resides in NZ, that was made for me probably 4-4.5 years ago
                    Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


                    • #25
                      quote fom john. "hi Andrew

                      our records show that this number was used on a 1pc cue with tulip splices



                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                        quote fom john. "hi Andrew

                        our records show that this number was used on a 1pc cue with tulip splices

                        This whole deal's very confusing. I'd say one should always order a cue from the cuemaker himself or from a trusted retailer. Apart from the lowercase font of the "Ultimate", the cue looked very good to me.


                        • #27
                          it is a very good copy. a lot of the cues on ebay are - if you don't know the seller you should not buy the cue. same is true for tips - i have seen boxes of elks sell for less than they cost me at trade because the seller has bought them in china for 70p a box.


                          • #28
                            anyway the important thing is i won the bet with trevor!!!



                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              anyway the important thing is i won the bet with trevor!!!

                              Lol, what was at stake?


                              • #30
                                i think i remember him saying he would send me the finest cue in the history of cues for nothing....

